Sunday, January 26, 2020
Relationship Between Total Quality Management And Business Performance Management Essay
Relationship Between Total Quality Management And Business Performance Management Essay For many years, it has been discussed that Total Quality Management enhances the performance of business organizations. In latest studies, Total Quality Management established substantial notice and has also been proposed to augment the business performance. This research has been carried out to find the relationship between Total Quality Management and business performance. This research scrutinizes empirically the scope of Total Quality Management and business performance as well as the degree to which both of them are linked. This study will also enable to carry how Total Quality Management influences on several levels of business performance. Organizations are surviving in difficult situations except they create the complete competitive lead over their challengers and this is the result of such competitive environment which is taken out from liberalization and globalization (Adam et al., 2001; Samson Terziovski, 1999). By means of rising competitive environment with business pressures as well as the self-motivated verified customer-oriented environment, Total Quality Management is considered a most imperative and key issue which may create a considerable interest of managers and researchers towards it (Ahire et al. 1995; Benson et al. 1991; Flynn et al., 1995; Powell, 1995; Sousa and Voss, 2002). In 1980s, considering Total Quality Management as one of the successful mode of improving the competitive leads of any firm or organization (Keiu et al, 2001). It is also declared by the primary initiates of quality working in this area, for example Deming (1986) and Juran (1993) that competitive lead may be obtained through the provision of quality goods or services. Moreover, now days global marketplace demands high quality as an imperative competitive lead is considered by holding quality in such competitive global environment and market place (Eng Yusof, 2003). Additionally, Total Quality Management is measured as an effectual management gear which is used to provide businesses by means of development, stability and prosperity (Issac et al, 2004). The main advantages of quality development may not only be a sign of lessening costs but also to maximize business profit ratio. According to Freiesleben (2005), it is emphasized on maximize the profits and revenue generation in terms of reducing costs as well as enhancing quality but it should be influenced on quality and superiority to generate profit. Hence, this research on relationship between quality management and organizational performance is critically assessed for companies as well as to get the better understanding the effects of quality management on various dissimilar levels of firms business performances. So as to attain the entire requirements of quality, business organizations must have to spend time in addition to the efforts to execute Total Quality Management. Organizations will commence true quality management practices though communicating Total Quality Management principle or philosophy successfully. Additionally Total Quality Management and its applications might be implemented in order to enhance the association between organizations and their suppliers. Furthermore, the execution of Total Quality Management may also improve customer satisfaction by means of giving most excellent goods or services. By the stand spoint of CEO of Intel about quality that is displayed at Intels website and that is quality is considered as top six companys key values in fact. Additionally, Intel is determined for convincing the worlds top class quality by adopting or put one of its quality systems into practice. According to Otellini (2006), with this effort, Intel is dedicating itself to retain the superior quality, highest standards and distribute goods which fulfill the specified objectives of Intel. Preceding studies (for example AlKhafaji et al, 1998; Mandal et al, 1999) stated that philosophy of Total Quality Management is applicable for any organization, firm or company that involves service, manufacturing or information related organizations. Take the example of Taiwan and the mature growth of information technology businesses in Taiwan that has prepared it possible intended for stabilized world wide economy (Einhom et al, 2005). It has proved to be valuable to consider how Total Quality Management might be influenced on business performance, so as to make the information related business in Taiwan more competitive and flourishing. Aims and objectives Subsequent study is to find out the association between Total Quality Management and business performances of organizations. Based on this study, basic aim of this research is to gauge how Total Quality Management and business performance are interlinked and how different altitudes business performances are influenced by Total Quality Management. The key objectives of this study are To understand the concept of total quality management To investigate the total quality management models and theories from existing literature To study the total quality management approaches applied in Tesco To determine the effects of TQM implementation on the performance of Tesco To explore the challenges in the implementation of TQM practices at Tesco Research Question What are the influences of winning accomplishment of Total Quality Management on the performance of Tesco? Literature Review Advantages of Total Quality Management and its effective implementation may be studied along with three dissimilar angles. On the top, Total Quality Management practice is one of the emergent and hot subjects commencing the operational approach, and it may be used to apply enhanced performance and world wide competitiveness for both academia and business industry (Flynn et al, 1995; Samson Terziovski, 1999). The organization which applied successful implementation of Total Quality Management practices may be able to achieve internal advantages for example quality enhancement, improved productivity, or apprehending improved operating income (Corbett et al, 2005; Hendricks Singhal, 1997). According to Corbett et al, (2005) the second reason is from financial performance approach, vigilant design or execution of dependable, reliable and recognized Quality Management systems that can add value to high class performance of businesses imperatively. Moreover, at last b using the approach of knowledge management (KM), Total Quality Management practices and its implementation may also enable to improve and enlarge organizational knowledge that turns to facilitate supplementary consideration of how Quality Management practices can influence on organizational performances (Linderman et al, 2004). Both of management philosophies have various similarities when Total Quality Management and knowledge Management. According to Hsu Shen, (2005) Total Quality Management and knowledge Management can compliment each other in case of planning both of them properly. Latest researches have been able to found the association between Total Quality management practices and several levels of business performance (Das et al, 2000; Kaynak, 2003; Mohrman et al, 1995). However several preceding researches have been resulted and hold up the positive influences of Total Quality Management on firms business performance (Hendricks Singhal, 1997; Kaynak, 2003; Madu et al, 1995; Sun 2000; Samson Terziovski, 1999). According to Choi Eboch, (1998) different researchers have made their researches to found the execution of Total Quality Management that may escort to the ineptness of organizational performance. The cause to which outcomes of these researches have dissimilar most likely resulted from the temperament of research design for example utilizing Total Quality Management practices or organizational business performances as an individual entity. Through this research, the researcher will investigates the relationship between major seven attributes of Total Quality Management and several levels of organizational performance as well as how each of Total Quality Management attribute influences on other attribute and by the literature these attributes are Customer focuses Management leadership Design Management Process Management Data quality and Reporting Suppliers Management Human resource Management These are the main constructs on which this study is based. Hypotheses Development Depended on the outcomes of theoretical framework of this research, the seven above discussed elements are concluded to be the most driving strength intended for an effectual execution of Total Quality Management. These seven attributes are focus of the customer, management leadership, human resource management, supplier management, data quality and reporting, design management, and process management as well (Flynn et al, 1994; Samson Terziovski, 1999; Sousa voss, 2002; Kaynak, 2003). According to Samson Terziovski, (1999) for the execution of Total Quality Management practices customer focus is the groundwork theory for any organization. Since complete execution of Total Quality Management practices are highly influenced and authorized by top management. Thus devoted obligations from senior managemt regarding the completion of Total Quality Management practices are surely a necessity. Hence this study firstly proposed hypothesis that is Hypothesis One Customer Focus is absolutely correlated to the Management Leadership. Hypothesis Two Management Leadership is completely correlated to Human Resource Management, Supplier Management and Design Management. Hypothesis Three Human Resource Management is absolutely linked with Data quality Reporting. Hypothesis Four Quality Data reporting is absolutely correlated with Suppliers management, design Management as well as Process Management. Hypothesis Five Suppliers Management is directly and positively associated with Process Management, Design Management as well as Operating Business Performance. Hypothesis Six Design Management is optimistically relevant to operating business performance and Process Management. Hypothesis Seven - Process Management is correlated with Operating Performance Hypothesis Eight Customer Satisfaction is linked with Operating Performance as well as Financial Performance Methodology The proposed research will be a case study based on Tesco. Triangulation methodology will be adopted in the proposed research. Qualitative and quantitative research methods will be used to find the relationship between TQM and Business performance. Subsequent research is basically used quantitative approach. Likewise it a structured approach by using Quantitative method since the researcher will find out the concrete results from the opinion of several participants. Primary and secondary data will be incorporated in the research. It also low cost and provides quick responses from the respondents. Survey tool is used in this research to find the link between TQM and business performance. In this research, Tesco Retail Company is targeted to explore the effects of TQM execution. Outlets are specified to get the results of research questionnaire because of financial limitations and time minimization, all outlets are hard to visit and collect data from there. Questionnaire will be presented by considering seven above discussed attributes and hypotheses. These seven attributes are supposed to be more important for successful execution of Total Quality Management and thus recommended to form a survey Performa. Questionnaire is formed into three main sections that involves Background of organization Execution of Total Quality Management Particular questions designed regarding Total Quality Management practices Total Quality Management attributes will develop through suggested (proposed) research model. Judgment sampling method is used in subsequent study because this study requires those participants who have excellent prospect intended for accurate information. Close ended questionnaire tool is used in this study. Majorly two basic categories of data collection sources are utilized so as to access relevant data required for this study as in the view of fact that gathering data and all relevant information is a broad practice from all accessible sources. This study access insufficient primary data that is necessitate for research because of financial as well as time limitations but in this study secondary data sources are used widely. According to Dawson, Catherine, (2002); Kathori, C.R., (1985); Kumar Ranjit, (2005), primary data sources are considered as initial stage of data collection where secondary data sources are served together data and information in combining and interpreting data that is evaluated before. Scope of the research The outcomes of this research may be functional for the researchers well as practitioners in the field of Quality Management zone. This research enlarges the scope of Total Quality Management applicability athwart wide-ranging cultural as well as industrial environments for attaining higher customer demands and focus with improved customer satisfaction that leads to enhanced business performance. It also pressurizes the want intended for more logical researches on this topic. Factors of Total Quality Management for example philosophy of management, dimension and / or open organization all have imperative bonding with business competitive lead and hence impact on its overall performance. Limitations of the study Based on secondary data sources, this study has the main limitation of using the secondary data such as secondary data sources and evaluation of secondary data may imitate the queries as well as point of views of innovative researcher that can not accurately deal with the interest and queries by other researchers. It is most difficult part of the research to access all data that is useful and require for the research about organizations. So limitation of accessing the required information is a critical step as well as a biggest challenge for a researcher to conduct investigation. Limited financial sourcing and time limitation is considerably significant. Because of financial limitation, it is quite hard for the researcher to gain access to all paid journals and paid sources of books etc. so for this purpose e- libraries and internet references are used. Definitions used in this study Total Quality Management According to Hellsten Klefsjo (2000), total quality management is a system of management which consists of uninterrupted change and consistent values, tools methodologies that purpose is to enhance internal as well as external customer satisfaction within reduced quantity of resources. Performance By EFQM (1999), performance is a gauge of achievement which is attained by any individual, group, any procedure or any organization. Thesis structure Subsequent chart present the chapters of this dissertation and the study material with in these chapters individually. Apart of these chapters, dissertation also contains appendix or appendices which are presented at the end of thesis. Chapter one: this chapter entails introduction, study background, aims and objectives, purpose, research questions of respective study, definitions of vitals, limitation and structure of thesis basically. Chapter two: this chapter contains the theoretical framework of the study, like preceding research references on Total Quality Management and business performance, and their association as well. Chapter three: it will comprise of methodology of thesis. The research and its methodology, and research design, research approach, along with data validity reliability. Chapter four: data analysis will be presented in chapter four which will then show the procedure and results of data analysis. Discussions will also be a part of this chapter. Chapter five: this chapter will present the conclusion which will be taken out from entire research and suitable recommendations will be suggested for further betterment. Chapter One Introduction Chapter Two Literature Review Chapter Three Methodology Chapter Four Data Analysis Chapter Five Conclusion Figure 1 Thesis structure Summary From the entire discussion, it is stated that this research is proposed to investigate the relationship between Total Quality Management practices and business performance. It also explores several levels of business performance. Core objective of this research is to provide experiential evidences on the factor either implementation of Total Quality Management practices are influenced on several levels of business organizations performance. This research further contributed to suggest a model that may study Total Quality Management influences in more successful way and consequently, implement Total Quality Management in an effective approach.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Products and services of the organization Essay
Talent Acquisition & Integrated Project Solutions Upon winning a tender our recruitment team in the region is given a list of requirements from the client which they then have to fill within a given time frame. It is also done through recruitment campaigns is one specific nationality is needed for a project. Global Mobility This is a service that we provide for all placed candidates who are travelling abroad for an assignment which involved on and off boarding support, visa, flights and housing arrangements Identification of Main Customers There are two types of customers that the company serves, those who are looking for workforce (the companies) and those who are looking for employment (the individuals). It is not possible to distinguish the percentage of who the company is more focused on as it varies on the region. What differentiates them is that the Clients that looking for workforce either request our company to be used as the resource through a recommendation or through a tendering process. On the other hand the individuals that approach our business while looking for new opportunities mostly use the website as a platform for searching and applying for employment which is then saved on our data base for future reference and use. 3. The companies’ mission and vision is as follows: The above describe the companies’ overall goal that all its branches are working towards on an annual basis. Those vary depending on the region due to different obstacles, structures or legislation surrounding it. Within the Middle East the main short to medium term objectives is to ensure that the existing relationships that have been established over the years remain undisturbed by this such as low quality of work and untimely delivery of work gained through tenders. This is achieved by employing the right people on the right positions to ensure that what has been built overtime won’t be damaged through wrong communication channels. Moreover the company needs to explore possibly needed adjustments in its operations to be able to work with companies that work on smaller projects besides those which are government driven or large privately run entities. Finally, the company needs to explore and establish whether it is worth expanding into different. Industries within the region due to the growth within Rail and Construction sectors, considering a lot of competition from abroad this needs extensive analysis and research. 4. An analysis of minimum 4 external factors and their impact on the business activities of the organization. Political This factor within the ME Region is very influential. Due to ongoing conflicts in Iraq our consultants have to go through extensive training in case of emergencies such as wars which not only includes very high rotational/ demobilization costs but also involves a number of measures that the company had to incorporate and take into account while setting up the entity in high risk location which are: a separate emergency phone line, a 24/7 emergency contact, amendments to existing employee contacts which do not consider political conflicts; safe transportation, security guards and special camp accommodation which comes at a very high price The economy in the middle east is very good, however it is only accessible to those who have the right contacts and relationships. Also it is very strongly affected by politics. Western Companies have to go through a very lengthy process of registration which requires wasta not only at the beginning but also for certain regular activities which slows down a lot of processes which in h West wouldn’t be an issue. Arab culture is very strong and rules the legislation and all processes and procedures within workplaces in the Region. Introducing the process of nationalisation has had a great influence on all companies operating in the region as a quota on nationals has to be employed by every company which meant that current employees had to be replaced with locals who unfortunately often aren’t keen to work, which creates a lot of issues in the workplace. While expanding in the ME Region the company had tapped into the Caspian Region a few years ago and set up 3 offices in Kazakhstan. However business development and tenders were a struggle due to very common bribery and corruption methods in doing business in this region. AS this is against the companies’ Code of Business Conduct the Board is now considering to sell the business within that region, as it is impossible to develop without breaking the company codes. 5. Structure of the organization The company structure within the ME region is Functional due to the business need. Each of the departments and all employees have a specific role and function that contributes towards the entire region functioning properly Activity B 1&2 Organizational Strategy The companies’ overall Regional Strategy is focused on growth and development in existing and new locations. This means that all delivery managers are focused on bringing in numbers and new business to ensure high profits which equals meeting their KPIs. This relays to all other departments which like recruiters are pressured to provide the highest level of service and ensure the business’s regular growth. The HR department is there to: Ensure that all incoming business which requires new staff or increased workload for existing staff is worth the effort – preparing P&L Reports Ensuring that all departments are equally rewarded, not just the recruiters that are given regular bonuses for placements made. Initiatives for the finance and GM department have been developed. Policies and procedures have been developed to ensure that all employees who join or are currently working for the company adhere to the same standards and are treated equally. All of the above mentioned directly or indirectly ensure staff retention. Supporting manager and staff & contribution to the overall success of the business Conflict and Dispute solving -When a conflict arises HR is there to be the mediator and the person that is objective towards both sides. The HR helps to solve the problem without involvement of personal opinions of either of the sides. Conflicts often grow to an extent where other departments get involved and it becomes a personal issue rather than a small work issues that absorbs everyone. This is very unhealthy as it absorbs time and energy of the entire team or within an office where it could be used for positive actions and development. HR is there to ensure that misunderstandings do not grow on such scale and help the teams refocus on their goals as well s the common aim of the office or the region that every employee is working towards. This is crucial to the business because a team that doesn’t work well together will never produce results which will mirro their full potential. Performance Management – HR Provides the platform, tools and expertise to ensure that each employee is assessed on a regular basis and has a chance to express and discuss any problems or issues that they might be facing. It also provides written proof for the managers when it comes to promotions and pay rises at the end of the year. It also provides a source of analysis for training needs and employee development plans which are used during budget setting time. Appraisals, even though for many managers seem like a chore are a very important part of the businesses success. Even when a team doesn’t meet on a regular basis to discuss any issues, the assessment time is when real performers and those who clearly underperform are identified. Having detailed written reviews help to distinguish whether a staff member is worth investing in and having his employment continued or whether he should be let go of at early stages – within the first 3 months when the probation period is over. Without the HR department prompting the managers to complete those above described assessments, the managers often do not realize the lack of someone’s potential until crucial, often costly mistakes are made. Guidance in terms of employee legislation As the legislation in the region changes on a regular basis, it is important that HR has the information and relays it to all employees, and also acts as the person that is informed of any immigration or legal changes. It is crucial to the business that all laws are followed to avoid any issues not only with employees in case of disputes but also with governmental bodies such as immigration or the Municipality. Following those rules in any country can be a deciding factor during an internal or external audit and ensure that the business can continue trading rather than being fined or even closed down for not adhering to the rules and regulations. Fair treatment of employees To ensure fair treatment of employees and to avoid favouritism, policies procedures and guidelines are developed. All employees are bound by the same rules which create guidelines for their day to day behaviours and actions which if broken and referred to during disciplinary or performance assessment meetings. Having rules in place is crucial to the business as it avoids unnecessary conflicts and issues as well as helps employees to understand and follow the company culture which is reflected within its rules.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Fast Food Culture Essay
People eat fast food when they don’t have enough time to afford themselves a fine delicious meal due to busy work or study. Fast food keeps them from the trouble of cooking and saves them large amount of time. Along with the development of economy, people of the 21st century are entering an era of fast rhythm called â€Å"fast food era†. The name â€Å"fast food era†is derived from the term â€Å"fast food†, describing a time in which pace and efficiency are excessively highly emphasized. Fast food not only represent less time to eat, but also refers the world are rush that people lose patiences to look clearly of themselves who consumed too many stuff, however they didn’t really satisfy. Fast food culture is now extending to all aspects of modern life. Once there was a survey indicating that in South Korea, nearly a half of office staff set speed as one of the important standards in work. They enjoyed the pleasure of fast working while could barely putting up with â€Å"Mr. Slow†. Besides working area, fast food culture can be also found in the field of knowledge and education. On the sales ranking lists of online bookstores like Amazon and kindle, books with the striking names as â€Å"how to †¦..†can be easily found. These books teach readers the crash courses to master a skill after thumping through dozens of pages. Classics are compressed into thin books or movies. People can digest a classic even within two or three hours which in the past, could never be possible. Stunningly still, â€Å"fast food culture†is penetrating into the sacred turf of love and marriage. Speed dating is rather popular in china nowadays. Recent years has witnessed the springing up of matchmaking programs in china like â€Å"If You Are the One†, â€Å"Take Me out†and so on. On these programs, a young man and a young lady both know nothing about each other before the TV programs start care quickly matched within 20 minutes on spot. Many young people get married after meeting each other for several weeks or even a few days. This phenomenon is called â€Å"flash marriage†or â€Å"lightning marriage†. A survey released by Virgin Media aiming at 1,968 adults from England examined their speed at eating, spending money and having sex. The result revealed that scores of them are bolting down their evening meal in less than ten minutes. Others are hurrying through love-making in just two minutes. Workers are also frittering their monthly wages well before their next payday. Psychologist Honey Langcaster-James said â€Å"we are now living at a â€Å"crazy pace††. The question is, are we really happy about this fast-paced, constantly changing world? Do we really enjoy life in itself? China’s urban quality of life index report issued by the Chinese Academy of Economy and the Capital Economy and Trade University reveals the life quality indexes of 30 provincial capital cities. The index report indicates that life quality of Beijing is far lower than that of other cities like Guangzhou, Nanjing, Yinchuan, although the pace of life in Beijing ranks the first. Dwellers in Beijing feel less happy but much more stressed than those in other capital cities. Thus, we may reach the conclusion that fast-paced life and the pure pursuit of material wealth can not bring us real happiness. But what makes us unhappy and how to find the key to happiness? Philosophy provides us the answer. â€Å"The unexamined life is not worth living.†①the famous philosopher of ancient Greece Socrates once said. He believed man should reflect on himself with a critical attitude. Without self-reflection, life can not be regarded as complete. People living in modern society are deprived of the time to contemplate themselves and many other things. They race through life at a breakneck speed, without being able to appreciate the beauty of life itself. This is why they easily lose their mind in the fast changing world and feel unhappy or depressed under many circumstances. â€Å" Be as you wish to see†①¡ â€Å"Know thyself.†â€Å"Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live.†â€Å"The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.†①¢ Socrates then gave us the solution. He told us we should get to know ourselves, know who we really are and what we really want. This would help us in our pursuit of real happiness without being striving for the wrong thing. Socrates also enlightened us that we should hold a dialectical attitude towards man’s seeking for material wealth. We human beings have unlimited want in material, which is something we are born with. However, too much desire for material wealth may bring us anxiety and worry. Liu An, a famous figure of imperial linage of the Western Han Dynasty, wrote in the masterpiece Huai Nan Zi, â€Å"trouble comes from excessive desire†. â‘ £ So we should allow ourselves to seek for material fortune properly in order to satisfy our needs, but we shouldn’t let this want for material wealth turn into a crazy avarice. Thus we need to control our desire and also understand the secret of happiness, namely â€Å"happiness does not lie in seeking more, but in developing the capability to enjoy less.†Ancient Chinese political theorists Mencius happened to hold the same belief. He once said â€Å"there’s no greater idea than abnegating one’s desire to keep inner peace.†①¤ The remarkable emperor of the ancient Rome Marcus Aurelius, who was also a great philosopher, wrote a book named the Meditations. This book is the production of his deep contemplation on human life which gives us a lot of sagacious advice about life. â€Å"After all, there should be some leisure in life†, Marcus Aurelius wrote in his book.â‘ ¥ Nowadays, people live in bustling cities, busying working and studying. While in the deep of their minds, seldom are there any people know what they really want. Most of them care much about gains and losses, fame and fortune, which makes them live very tired everyday. They should have time to reflect on their behaviors and moral ethic, adjust themselves before stepping into the next phase of life. Most people are suffering agonies in their life. The agonies, Marcus Aurelius thought, come from their discontent of power, money and fame. Their endless desire for power, fame and money lies on their shoulders like a piece of heavy stone. What they should do is to alleviate the burdens, stop being obsessed by fame and fortune and keep inner peace. Only by doing this, can people remove worries and live happily. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way. So stop hurrying to seek for fortune and fame. Excessively Fast-paced life only lessens your feelings of happiness and creates the illusion of fear. Slow down your pace, spare your mind some time to contemplate on your behaviors and appreciate the beauty of the world you are living in. drop the electric books, Read a paper book word by word, line by line, page by page, you’ll find the sparkling thoughts of the author, maybe an there will be an emotional resonance between you and the author. Give away fast food; cook a meal with your beloved one. Taste every dish carefully and slowly, you’ll discover the fragrance of food, and you’ll also taste the love of your wife. Slow down your pace when you are traveling, walk into the narrow street that you didn’t even pay attention to and stop for a plain little flower growing on the roadside, you’ll be surprised at the unique beauty of it. That is also a beauty granted by our mother nature. Spend more time with the girl you plan to have a relationship with; you will get to know her better and better. Her merits and shortcomings will be all exposed before you. Then make a decision whether you should stay with her or not. This is much better than a flash marriage after a tree days’ acquaintance and then you already begin to regret for your hasty decision. Life is short. You never know what may happen tomorrow. Thereforeï ¼Å' it is important to enjoy today. Of course, some people will say that’s why it is important to concentrate a lot of things into a day and live a fast-paced life. If then, how would you possibly have time to enjoy all of those experiences? By doing a few things slowly and doing them well, you can savor the experience and get satisfaction in the process. Haste makes waste. We can’t rush through things mechanically like machines do. If we do, we might forget something; we might take shortcuts. By taking our time, we can do a chore carefully, completely, and correctly. If we could made life slow down; see ourselves clearly, we could gain the great connection with ourselves. In the Buddhism, when they wake up; they starts have question for whole day that is what I really want; if I dead tomorrow, what are we going to do. We may regard after we miss the really motion, relationship and even ourselves. We should stop to catch shadow which is the stuff go around our life; we should keep the inner emotion and thought. Civilization starts philosophy and question, people own the thought to create art and the form of universal. Are we go backward with civilization? It seems like we carry a pot of flowers; we lose the flower in the road; but we hold the pot. Quote a famous verse written by Tao Yuanming, the famous writer of the Chinese Eastern Jin Dynasty here,â€Å"neath the Eastern fence My gaze upon the Southern mountain rests; The mountain views are good by day or night, The birds come flying homeward to their nests. A truth in this reflection lies concealed, But I forget how it may be revealed.†. â‘ ¦ People walk around to gather water in a cup. People didn’t know and recognize cup already full, because their heart didn’t full. They thought the cup still empty. Therefore, they keep infuse water into that. It talks about human condition, they have empty mind how could they know something? Do the master of yourself, not the society. Gives up the fast food, let us starts a real life. Citizen 1. Leibowitzï ¼â€ David. 2010. The Ironic Defense of Socrates: Plato’s Apology [M]. Cambridge University Press. 2.†Socrates.† Xplore Inc, 2012. 23 October 2012. 3. â€Å"Socrates.† Xplore Inc, 2012. 23 October 2012. 4. 5. 6.Marco Aurelius. 2009. Meditation [M]. BiblioLife,LLC. 7.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Environmental Impact Assessment Report For Shah International Airport - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2037 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? 1.0: INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report is to investigate and assess the principal environmental concerns associated with the proposed Shah International Airport (SIA). The scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) covers implies the determination of the environmental consequences, or impact, of proposed projects or activities. In this context, impact means change- any change, positive or negative from a desirability standpoint. An environmental assessment is, therefore, a study of the probable changes in the various socioeconomic and biophysical characteristic of the environment which may result from a proposed or impending action. The project is referred to as the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Shah International Airportà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? in Shah Alam. Henceforward, this new airport project will be known as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Projectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. The planning and development of the new airport of Malaysia (Shah International Airport) at Selangor, Malaysia, began in ea rly 2009 when it became evident that the presented Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah International Airport (Subang International Airport) had limited expansion capability to meet the long-term increase in passenger and cargo demand. So for overcome this problem, the government therefore decided to build a new airport at an alternative site to accommodate not only the rapid increase in air transport, but also to meet the growing demand of the tourism and services sector. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Environmental Impact Assessment Report For Shah International Airport" essay for you Create order 2.0: DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT This Project will consist of the design, financing, construction, and operation of a new international airport. The Government of Malaysia has decided new project will be located on an around 1124 acres and the new airport will be designed to handle a maximum of 4.5 million of passengers annually. The project type : Public Owner of the new airport : Government of Malaysia Operator : Malaysia Airport (Shah Alam) sdn.bhd Location of the new airport : Shah Alam, Selangor, west Malaysia 2.1: Location and estimated cost of new airport Shah Alam is a city in Petaling and Klang Districts in Selangor, Malaysia, about 25 kilometres (15 mi) west of the countrys capital, Kuala Lumpur. In 1978, it replaced Kuala Lumpur as the capital city of the state of Selangor due to Kuala Lumpurs incorporation into a Federal Territory in 1974. Shah Alam was the first planned city in Malaysia after independence in 1957. The new International Airport is estimated to build at a cost of about RM8.5 billion or US$3.5 billion. 2.2 Activity Timetable The proposed schedule for performance of new airport is as follows: Start of Construction March 2011 Completion of Construction April 2011 Start of Testing and Commissioning May 2011 Completion of Testing and Commissioning August 2011 Start of Commercial Operation October 2011 3.0: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 3.1: Positive impacts Based on particular project on new airport, potential impacts have been identified that are likely to result from the proposed new airport project. The positive impacts on this project are: Traffic congestion reduction Beneficial impact on economy Quick service and safety Less fuel consumption Better roads Employment opportunities 3.2: Negative impacts Secondly, based on particular project on new airport, the negative environmental impacts also are identified according to three main heading: firstly impacts due to project location, secondly impacts due to construction and lastly impacts due to project operation. 3.2.1: Impacts due to project location Relocation No relocation is required. The nearest residents live outside of the site about 2 km from the operational areas of the airport. Loss of trees A tree is a perennial woody plant and defined an important component of the natural resources because the trees can help to prevent the soil erosion problem and also producing oxygen and reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as well as moderating ground temperatures. Due to the project, it is approximately more than 30 tree are likely to be loss. If average cost of a tree is RM500, it means the total cost of 30 trees is RM15000. Loss of historical and cultural monuments There is no loss of historical and cultural monument will be affected due to the new project. 3.2.2: Impacts due to projects construction soil erosion Soil erosion and sedimentation will probably be the most serious environmental effects arising from the project development. Soil erosion is the process of detachment and transportation of soil particles from its original mass by actions of raindrop impact and flowing water. Workers safety and health risk at construction site Worker safety will be protected by contractual undertakings to implement safe site practices. Because this is a new airport there are no hazards from operating aircraft. Sanitary practices in regard to providing clean water and the disposal of human waste will be enforced to safeguard worker health as part of the construction contract. Traffic diversion and risk to existing building During construction, minimum traffic diversions on roads will be required. At the grade and elevated section is mostly on barren land. In underground portion, the building line is considerably away from the proposed cut and cover and tunnels. Hence, no risk is foreseen to adjacent buildings. Impact on air quality Air pollution is the presence of one or more contaminants in the atmosphere in such quantities, characteristic and duration as to make them actually or potentially injurious to human, plant or animal life or to property, or which unreasonably interferes with the comfort, enjoyment of life and property. Air pollution can be caused by the presence of one or more contaminants. Examples of traditional contaminants include sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, ozone, oxidants, hydrogen sulfide, particulate matter, smoke and haze. There is a lower air quality on an around the construction site due to the absence of industry and the relatively low level of vehicular traffic on the north-south highway. Gaseous emissions from aircraft will not significantly alter this. The operation of the new project will not result in an increase in highway or air traffic sufficient to have any significant impact on air quality. Disposal of soil during construction Soil collection should be move out with the containers from the dredging sites/ places. The use of containers for move the soil from construction site to avoid that the soil not spill during movement to disposal site. The excavated soil will be first collected at dumping ground and then transferred to disposal sites. Dumping areas are essential to store the excavated earth temporarily for back filling at later date and final disposal. It is desirable to first clean the disposal area site of vegetation biomass that exists over it. The surface of these sites needs to be treated so that leached water does not contaminate soil and ground water. The faces and top should be treated/ vegetated to avoid erosion. Impacts on water quality Wastes generate during the construction phase, especially oil and grease from machinery, can cause pollution in the streams. The pollution of the river cause resulting from the development of the project is also of concern. During the construction phase, the pollution will mostly be in the form of high sediment loads if no mitigation sedimentation is taken. The escape of sanitary wastes, and pollution of the surface water and groundwater systems, would occur unless the wastewater generated by the operation of the airport, particularly from the terminal area, is treated. This will be mitigated by the construction of a wastewater treatment plant and sewage distribution lines as part of the Project. The sewage treatment process is recommended for new airport construction. Clean water for airport operations will be provided from a drilled well, or wells, with treatment to meet World Health Organization standards as part of the project. 3.2.3: Impacts due to project operation Oil pollution In view of the hazards potential involved due to failure of system and accident the onsite and offsite emergency measures have been formulated and will be implemented. Noise Noise defined as unwanted sound implies that is as an adverse effect on human beings and their environment, including land, structures, and domestic animals. Noise can also disturb natural wildlife and ecological systems. The main sources of noise from the operation of trains include: engine noise, cooling fan noise, wheel rail interaction, electric generator and miscellaneous noises like passengerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s chatting. Maybe during the construction, the noise levels of using the machines have to decrease. The effects of aircraft noise and vibration will be lower in the residential areas closest to the site. Water supply Public Health facilities like water supply, sanitation and toilets are classifies as important and needed at the construction site. CPHEEO has recommended 45 liters per day, water supply to persons working at construction site. The people working on construction site will be approximately over than 200. The water demands on construction site will be for personal use of workers or staff, fire demands and wastage. Removal of refuse The refuse from construction site includes; garbage, rubbish, and floor sweepings. The collection and removal of refuse in a sanitary approach from the construction site is of importance for effective vector control, visual improvement, and nuisance and pollution abatement. So, the removal or collection of the refuse should be mannerly plan to maintain the cleanness of the airport and to attract the tourists. Visual perception The construction of the above corridor will bring about a change in visual look of the streets through which it will operate. An architecturally well designed structure, which could be aesthetically pleasing and able to reduce impact due to visual disfiguration have been incorporated in present corridor. Since a low profile would cause least intrusion, the basic elevated section should be optimized at the design stage itself. Tourism impact According to the new project, there is no tourism impact. 4.0: CHECKLIST OF IMPACTS TABLE 1: Checklist of Impacts Parameter Negative Impact Positive Impact No Impact a) Positive Impact x i) Traffic congestion reduction x ii) Quick service and safety x iii) Less fuel consumption x iv) Reduction in air pollution x v) Better roads x vi) Employment Opportunity x v) Beneficial Impact on Economy x b) Impacts due to project location i) Relocation   x ii) Loss of trees x iii) Loss of historical and cultural moments x c) Impacts due to project construction i) soil erosion x ii) workers safety and health risk at construction site x iii) Traffic diversion and risk to existing building x iv) Impact on air quality x vi) Impact on water quality x d) Impacts due to project operation x i) Oil Pollution x ii) Noise x iii) Water supply x iv) Removal of refuse x v) Visual impact x vi) Tourism impact x 5.0: COST- BENEFIT ANALYSIS Cost benefit analysis is often used in the evaluation of viable alternative project options and thus provides a useful tool for decision-making. When environmental consideration is included, it becomes and environmental cost benefit. 5.1: Internal rate of return The economic internal rate of return for the new airport project was estimated at 25 percent because of the large initial investment required in the airside portion of the Project, the Project as a whole has been estimated to have a financial internal rate of return of 25 percent based on an increase in airport rates and charges that occurred after the end of conclusion of the TA study. 5.2: Economic benefit The main economic analysis benefits from new proposed project are: Incremental of net visitor expenditures The value of predetermined passenger and cargo traffic Time saving of passengers Direct or indirect generation additional 5.3: Project cost Project costs include civil works, other construction, equipment and its installation, and consulting engineering design and supervision. These project costs also include the cost of justifying all negative environmental impacts during construction and into the operating phase, approximately which amounts to $400,000, or about 0.5 percent of the total project base cost. 6.0: CONCLUSION The proposed of the new Shah International Airport (SIA) development will have no significantly adverse impacts on the surrounding environment. The construction, while involving soil improvement and considerable earthwork will, use proven construction techniques and conventional earthwork methods. Potentially minor adverse impacts can readily be avoided by good site management and construction practices, particularly related to drainage system design. A simple monitoring program is needed to cover the construction phase and the first three years of operation. This will be prepared during the design phase of the Project by the engineering consultants. It will then be implemented during Project construction by the Project administration assisted by the engineering consultants, and by the staff operating the airport (Airport Authority) during airport operation. The monitoring program will be supervised by the Directorate of Engineering.
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