Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Assessing Reservation Procedures In Sri Petaling Hotel Tourism Essay Example
Assessing Reservation Procedures In Sri Petaling Hotel Tourism Essay Example Assessing Reservation Procedures In Sri Petaling Hotel Tourism Essay Assessing Reservation Procedures In Sri Petaling Hotel Tourism Essay This paper is traveling to depict three manner of reserve besides process of reserve, advantage, disadvantage of reserve by these manner and besides impact in Sri Petaling hotel in Kuala Lumpur. First manner that people can reserve room in this hotel is by on line engagement, which is became a popular method for reserve in resent twelvemonth. Another manner of reserve is, modesty room by agent, reserve through cyberspace is non easy manner for all client, normally those people prefer a travel bureau arrange their adjustment for their trip. Last manner of reserve which is conceder in this undertaking is reservation by walk this is a manner for traveller who does nt hold clip to reserve room before their travel. Another portion is, advantages and disadvantages of information engineering in the work topographic point, how information engineering became indispensable is in respects to charge? Why information engineering necessity for reserve system? How it can do a good trade for invitee s? How it can better hotel s services and merchandises? How hotel can maintain in touch with regular clients? What sort of jobs could look during utilizing calculating and web in hotel industry? Annually 1000s of people travel to Malaysia from all over the universe for different intent. This is obvious most of these people who travel to Malaysia should remain in a hotel. There are so many hotels in Malaysia they can take. One of these hotels they can take is Seri Petaling hotel. Sri Ptaling hotel is an international 3 star hotel which is located in Sri Petaling aria. This hotel is a concern, tourist category hotel. Depend on blasts requirement they provide room for their client so they will happen spacious adjustment. Peoples who chose Sri Petaling hotel to remain in Kula Lumpur have different ways to reserve room. It depend which manner is more convenience for them. Generally reservation manner and besides process of reserve in hotels are same. To reserve room in Sri Petaling hotel traveller can bespeak in one of following manner: First manner that people can reserve room in Sri Petaling hotel is by On Line Booking . Online booking hotel are going a really popular method for rider to reserve room. Passenger can book suites from place by utilizing cyberspace, without any trader. They can look into fiscal information, installation and position of the hotel or their room through the cyberspace. Sri Petaling hotel besides has website, by this web site WWW.Sripetalinghotel.com.my rider are able to look into all information they want to cognize about Sri Petaling hotel, for illustration what type of hotel is that or look into term of room, installation, and so on. Besides they are able to reserve room through their web site. For on-line reserve users should see website www.sripetaling.com.my, and so choose modesty now and so fallow the nexus, click reaching day of the month and so choose adjustment type, users should make full the signifier and imperativeness continue, so on-line application will look, all th e information are required in this signifier , and so imperativeness confirm reserve. Passenger s recognition card will be charged MYR 60 as sedimentation. Once booking complete Traveler will corroborate, the verification verifier will be sent to consumer s Email reference. Once passenger arrive to Sri Petaling hotel by demoing a soft transcript of the Email rider can easy have their room in this hotel. This is exact application signifier that user should make full through the cyberspace for modesty room in Sri Petaling hotel. Second manner of reserve for Sri Petaling hotel is by agent. This manner is another manner that people can take to reserve hotel. Marketing ego booking through Web is non easy manner for some travellers, those people prefer a travel bureau arrange their adjustment for their trip. Procedure of reserve by agent is non hard. The lone thing that traveller should make is traveling to a travel bureau and inquire them to reserve room in this hotel for them. In the age of cyberspace, travel bureaus are able to reserve room for the client through cyberspace, these people often send many clients to different hotel in any clip of twelvemonth one of this hotel is Sri Petaling hotel, they have trades with this hotel, so travel bureaus can reserve room in Sri Petaling hotel for client with lower monetary value. Passenger should pay for the hotel straight to a travel bureau it can be by hard currency or by recognition menu. Then make full a signifier and Wright the of import points of their trip, s uch as clip they arrive, what type of room they want, how many individual they are, how long they are traveling to remain in this hotel and this list goes on. Just like signifier comes in below By holding this information travel bureau fills the reserve signifier which is available in their web site and applies for the Sri Petaling hotel and so submits it. After 24 hr hotel confirm reserve and direct verification electronic mail for the company. Travel bureau will do a transcript signifier verification electronic mail and give it to the client. Customer should demo it to the hotel response upon look intoing into traveller s room. Last manner of reserve which is conceder it, is Reservation by Walk. Sometimes arrange for adjustment before travel is non possible for traveller because of different ground. Some hotels in Malaysia merely accept rider who reserve room in progress before their travel. However Sri Petaling hotel accept all rider, although these people does nt hold eBook reserve. Once passenger arrive and inquire for room response will demo the location of the room to client, if it accepted by the client, one of most of import thing that response demand is personal designation of each rider. For the following measure response will give signifier to rider and client should make full this signifier and give the personal information besides type of room they want and sign the signifier, so go through it to the response. Traveler should pay the measure straight to the hotel rider can pay for measure at the terminal of their stay, with recognition card or in hard currency. These are all stairss, that rider should make to Reserve Room by Walk in Sri Petaling hotel.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
All About the Dugong
All About the Dugong Dugongs join manatees in the order Sirenia, the group of animals that, some say, inspired tales of mermaids. With their grayish-brown skin and whiskered face, dugongs resemble manatees, but are found on the other side of the world. Description Dugongs grow to lengths of 8 to 10 feet and weights of up to 1,100 pounds. Dugongs are gray or brown in coloration and have a whale-like tail with two flukes. They have a rounded, whiskered snout and two forelimbs. Classification Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: SireniaFamily: DugongidaeGenus: DugongSpecies: dugon Habitat and Distribution Dugongs live in warm, coastal waters from East Africa to Australia. Feeding Dugongs are primarily herbivores, eating seagrasses and algae. Crabs have also been found in the stomachs of some dugongs. Dugongs have tough pads on their lower lip to help them grab vegetation, and 10 to 14 teeth. Reproduction The dugongs breeding season occurs throughout the year, although dugongs will delay breeding if they do not get enough to eat. Once a female becomes pregnant, her gestation period is about 1 year. After that time, she usually gives birth to one calf, which is 3 to 4 feet long. Calves nurse for about 18 months. The lifespan of the dugong is estimated at 70 years. Conservation The dugong is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. They are hunted for their meat, oil, skin, bones, and teeth. They are also threatened by entanglement in fishing gear and coastal pollution. Dugong population sizes are not well known. Since dugongs are long-lived animals with a low reproduction rate, according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), even a slight reduction in adult survivorship as a result of habitat loss, disease, hunting or incidental drowning in nets, can result in a chronic decline. Sources Fox, D. 1999. Dugong dugon (On-line). Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 10, 2009.Marsh, H. 2002. Dugong: Status Reports and Action Plans for Countries and Territories. (Online). United Nations Environment Programme. Accessed November 10, 2009.Marsh, H. 2008. Dugong dugon. (Online). IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2009.2. Accessed November 10, 2009.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Effective Management and Leadership in Hospitals Research Paper - 1
Effective Management and Leadership in Hospitals - Research Paper Example By describing the objectives of organization visibly, there would be no waste of time, effort and money. Management alters disorganized resources of human factor, machinery, money etc. into the valuable enterprise. These resources are synchronized, focused and organized in such a manner that initiative work towards the accomplishment of goals. Moreover, it inspires the optimal application of resources - Management employs all the physical & human resources effectively. This leads to effectiveness in management. Management allows us to achieve maximum utilization of limited resources by choosing its finest possible alternate use in business from out of a range of uses. It employs professionals and these services result in the proper use of their abilities, knowledge, and proper utilization and evade wastage. If employees and machines are manufacturing at their maximum, there will be no underemployment of any resources. Management also diminishes costs as it gets maximum results through minimum input by proper planning and by using minimum input and getting maximum output. Management uses physical, financial and human resources in a manner that leads to the best combination. This aids in the reduction of costs. In addition to that, management creates rigorous organizations as there is no overlying of energies through well-defined and synchronised roles. To establish a sound organizational arrangement is one of the objectives of management which is in sync with the organizational objectives and for execution of this, it launches effective authority & responsibility. Effective management creates equilibrium as it allows the organization to endure varying environment. It stays in collaboration with this changing environment. It is also accountable for growth as well as the survival of a business (Hesketh & Laidlaw, 2010).
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
CORRECTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
CORRECTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY - Research Paper Example Forensic hospitalization averages $500 per day while a jail’s housing cost is only $50.00. Buelle (2003) comments that â€Å"shifts in public policy regarding public safety, de-institutionalization of mental health populations and complexities in accessing funding for mental health treatment all have contributed to this problem†(p. 141). Sabbatine (2007) add that jail is the only institution that accepts everyone legally presented for custody unlike some mental health institutions which have admission criteria. That is why there is a growing population of mentally disturbed offenders in correctional facilities. However, since these inmates are psychologically ill, they have the right to be treated while incarcerated. The American Psychiatric Association, the National Commission on Correctional Health Care and the American Correctional Association all agree that these inmates need to go through screening and diagnosis so the necessary treatment can be done. Diagnosis is determined from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, fourth Edition (DSM-IV). This system has a five axis/ level structure. The most significant disorders are on the first axis and are termed Axis I disorders, which include schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and major depression, among others. Mentally ill offenders are at times identified by these Axis I disorders. (Norton, 2005). Treatment would include a variety of care options incorporating crisis intervention, ongoing psychiatric treatment – accompanied by psychotropic medication, if prescribed, and well-trained mental health staff who undergo an ongoing training program in the treatment and care of the mentally ill (Maloney, Ward & Jackson, 2003). There are many available options for treatment of mentally disturbed offenders ranging from simple psychotherapy to psychotropic medication to community-based therapy. These shall be described in detail as follows: A number of counseling and psychotherapeutic
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Race and ethnicity in the United States Census Essay Example for Free
Race and ethnicity in the United States Census Essay Race is a biological entity, but it has been proven that the concept of race can be constructed or manipulated by societies that even though since an anthropological and biological perspective the barrier between races is very clear. Ethnicity isn’t a societal concept founded by the color of skin, since everyone knows individuals of the identical race have variations of skin color. For example in European circles, Middle Easterners such as Arabs, Jews, Iranians (Indo-Europeans or Aryans); North Africans like Berbers and Arabs; Latin Americans of pure Caucasian descent and Northern Indians and Pakistanis are not considered Caucasian or white, even though anthropologically and genetically they are. People can deny kinship or invent their kinship to people of other genetic markers if this makes them keep their status or way of life; this has to do with issues like migration, religion and the like. Race refers to the bodily and biotic features for specific sets of individuals. For example: anyone may recognize an individual’s ethnicity founded up skeleton construction, predominantly the cranium, since the various races have distinctive, skeleton structures. Diverse ethnicities have diverse bone concentrations. Afro-American’s have the thickest bone because they need to stockpile â€Å"calcium and vitamin D in their bones†because of the dusky color that does not allow the sun to simply infiltrate and produce the vitamins to protect their skeletal frame (Comer, 1972). White and Asian ethnicity produce smaller skeletal density since light skin permits the sun to infiltrate into the skin easier. This makes it easier to take up vitamin D from the sun. There are a large number of variations within ethical groups than may be condensed to tinier clusters of ethnic clusters. However, ethnic groupings are not unsubstantiated and illogical societal tags. There is a plethora of fabrication concerning race around, and most 19th century anthropology scientists that studied race were mistaken concerning many facts, however the entire theory should not be trashed. Even Darwin made mistakes concerning many facts, however it should not require the complete Theory of Evolution should be trashed as well.. A societal structure may function as an instrument of organization that sustains the domination of specific ethnic races and the subservience of other races. Race is described as being â€Å" ‘Race’ is first and foremost an unequal relationship between social aggregates, characterized by dominant and subordinate forms of social interaction, and reinforced by the intricate patterns of public discourse, power, ownership and privilege within the economic, social and political institutions of society†(Commer,1997). Ethnicity merely turns out to be genuine when societies act in other habits that cause subservience to last. It converts actual once society acts toward one another that maintain the subservience. Race often causes ethically emotional discourse which includes constant practices of displacement and ethnic suffering. Principles and individuality are also societal structures (permanent. The description of individuality by Sarikaya: â€Å"†¦identity is not only a story, a narrative which we tell ourselves about ourselves, it is stories which change with historical circumstances. And identity shifts with the way in which we think and hear them and experience them. Far from only coming from the still small point of truth inside us, identities actually come from outside, they are the way in which we are recognized and then come to step into the place of the recognitions which others give us. Without the others there is no self, there is no self-recognition†(Sarikaya, 2011). It is similar to a camera, the controlling scrutiny changes an individual to thing and â€Å"†¦the normalizing gaze [is] a surveillance that makes it possible to qualify, to classify and to punish, and it establishes, over individuals a visibility through which one differentiates and judges them†(Foucault,1991 pg. 25). Race has the capacity to change anyone into a historic minute outside of that which a person is unable to step out of. Race adopts the theory that there is a pattern of regularity and accurate, each person separate from this pattern should be conveyed to the pattern – the normalcy is considered to be a young, Caucasian, Christian, man. The societal imagination is a broad area that groups is now created, made-up, placed and formed by dominate dialogues and governing society. There is no social justice or injustice of classifying or not classifying people according to the race they belong to, some can say racial classifications are harmful to the unity of the group, that it causes racism, etc. It should not be something bad or something to be afraid of or something to avoid, there should be not prejudice in the concept of race, and everyone should be happy with their ancestry and celebrate their phenotype and genotype and not suffer prejudice from society for being descendant of certain people. References: Comer, J. P. , (1972). Beyond Black and White. New York, NY: Quadrangle Books. Retried from: http://kcmo. ent. sirsi. net/client/en_US/NKCPL/search/results/? ln=en_USq=Beyond+Bla ck+and+Whitert=rw=0. Foucault, M. , (1991). Discipline and Punish The birth of prison (2nd ed. ) New York, NY: Random House, Inc. Sarikaya, D. (2001). The Construction of Afro-Caribbean Identity in the Poetry of Linton Kwesi Johnson. Journal of Caribbean Literatures, (Spring 2011, Vol. 7, Issue 1, p161-175, 15p). Retrieved from: http://av4kc7fg4g. search.serialssolutions. com. ezproxy. apollolibrary. com/? ctx_ver=Z39. 88-2004ctx_enc=info%3Aofi%2Fenc %3AUTF-8rfr_id=info:sid/summon. serialssolutions. comrft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:jo urnalrft. genre=articlerft. atitle=The+construction+of+Afro-Caribbean+cultural+identity+in+t he+poetry+of+Linton+Kwesi+Johnsonrft. jtitle=Journal+of+Caribbean+Literaturesrft. au=Sar ikaya %2C+Dilekrft. date=2011-01-01rft. pub=Journal+of+Caribbean+Literaturesrft. issn=1086-01 0Xrft. eissn=2167-9460rft. volume=7rft. issue=1rft. spage=161rft. externalDBID=n %2Farft. externalDocID=338524281paramdict=en-US.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research Essay -- Research Analysis
In this paper, the author will delineate the characteristics between qualitative and quantitative research, as well as their methodologies. The purpose of this paper is to give the reader a brief glimpse behind each research approach, by determining the strengths and weaknesses of both. The terms â€Å"subjective†and â€Å"objective†will be viewed in accordance with each research paradigm by considering the role of the observer and addressing how the researcher conducts his or her analysis using these approaches. The author will also describe the preferred approach given to each modality and how each model can be utilized in a study of aggression. Qualitative and Quantitative are two differentiated paradigms of research, which operate under the assumption that measured outcomes, must be proven valid and reliable. However, the distinguishing element between each paradigm resolves to the role of the researcher. Although they can be explicated by the source of the data collected, qualitative being a semantic text and quantitative being in numerical form, in the qualitative paradigm, the role of the researcher is to be an active participant within the study, lending the subjectivity of interpretation to the final measured outcome (Denzien & Lincoln, 2000). However, the quantitative approach finds the role of the researcher as an outside, objective observer, where the possibility for researcher bias is reduced, and the final measured outcome is not subject to researcher interpretations (Patton, 1996). Qualitative Research Qualitative research is a multi-dimensional method that utilizes an imperative and naturalistic approach. This design is associated with a phenomenological paradigm and is used by observing human behavior in... ...ht eliminate the need for research participation by sending out surveys in the mail randomly. The qualitative methodology might use an example a focus group. Where the researcher is an active participant in asking open-ended questions, specifically to engage the participants and prompt interpretive answers reflective of emotionality. When considering the manipulation of variables to alter conditions that are observable and measurable, quantitative analysis could include the manipulation of environmental factors, such as room temperature, lighting, etc, where the researcher is an outside, unattached observer. The qualitative paradigm would insist that the researcher be a participant of the factors of manipulation by using interruptive techniques, verbal commands, etc, and determine the measurable effects on the outcome through personal interpretation of data.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Critically discuss the extent to which the duty to make reasonable adjustments has eliminated discrimination and inequality of opportunity faced by disabled individuals
Introduction The Government described the duty to make reasonable adjustments as â€Å"a cornerstone of the [Equality] Act and requires employers to take positive steps to ensure that disabled people can access and progress in employment.†On the face of it, this should have resulted in a decrease of disability discrimination in the UK, unfortunately has not been the case. This essay will critically discuss the extent to which the introduction of reasonable adjustments has been successful in the UK, and whether or not the duty to make reasonable adjustments has eliminated discrimination and inequality of opportunity faced by disabled individuals. This essay will focus upon disability and employment as its main point of reference to highlight any discrepancies between non-disabled and disabled people in the workplace. Background to the Equality Act 2010 Disability is defined in the Equality Act 2010 in Section 6(1) as meaning a physical or mental impairment, which adversely affects normal day-to-day activities, with the adverse effect needing to be substantial. Instead of a list of disabilities that are capable of this definition, the Act has given a broad definition, which the disability would have to adhere to if a Claimant is to be successful in their claim. Whether or not a person is disabled is often the first hurdle for an Applicant and can be the most contentious in employment litigation. Discrimination is defined in the Act as when, â€Å"A person (A) discriminates against another (B) if, because of a protected characteristic, A treats B less favourably than A treats or would treat others.†Prior to 2010, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 was the leading statute in this area, ensuring employers were under a duty to make reasonable adjustments for their disabled employees. The House of Lords in Archibald v Fife Council stated that, â€Å"The DDA does not regard the differences between disabled people and others as irrelevant. It does not expect each to be treated in the same way. The duty to make adjustments may require the employer to treat a disabled person more favourably to remove the disadvantage, which is attributable to the disability. This necessarily entails a measure of positive discrimination.†This case was the first substantial case to be litigated on the basis of making reasonable adjustments. The employee had been dismissed on the bas is that they could no longer fulfil their job duties following an operation. This was a discrimination claim and the House of Lords held that there had been a failure by the employer to make reasonable adjustments. Current Law As the law currently stands, the duty to make reasonable adjustments is found in Section 20 of the Equality Act 2010, which states that this duty is comprised of three requirements found at section 20(3), (4) and (5). Firstly, where an employer’s â€Å"provision, criterion or practice of A’s puts a disabled person at a substantial disadvantage in relation to a relevant matter in comparison with persons who are not disabled,†then the duty arises. Secondly, it also arises if the disabled person has a physical feature which puts him at a substantial disadvantage and thirdly, without an auxiliary aid, the disabled person would suffer from an inequality of opportunity. Overall, the duty arises when, without such adjustments, the disabled person would be put in a severely disadvantaged position when compared to their non-disabled colleagues. The law imposes upon employees a duty to take reasonable steps to ensuring that the adjustments made would avoid this disadvanta ge. It is interesting to note that the duty on employers to make reasonable adjustments to disabled individuals extends to contract workers and other temporary members of staff such as trainees. This should provide adequate protection from disability discrimination as it extends to all staff but this does not necessarily suffice. Section 20(7) of the Act states that employers are not permitted to charge disabled employees for the costs in making any reasonable adjustments. This is arguably a very important section of the Equality Act as it ensures that disabled individuals are not penalised and bearing the costs themselves for any adjustments to make. It is fair to say that without such protection, the opportunity for discrimination in this way would have been rife in the workplace. Therefore, the duty on employers to make reasonable adjustments is a positive step forward to eliminating disability discrimination in employment. The requirement for equal opportunities for all employee s extends to the recruitment policies of an organisation as well. This will include ensuring that the job advertisement and description is adequately detailed about what is required of the job, yet at the same time making no discriminatory claims. If applicants have to complete an application form then it should be available in different forms to accommodate all disabled people, such as an option in braille. When individuals are invited for interview, all reasonable adjustments should be made to welcome them and assist them on the day, such as having the interview on the ground floor if the applicant is a wheelchair user. The recruitment committee should, ideally, have an equality and diversity officer within the human resources team to ensure compliance with their legal duty of no discrimination against disabled people. When selection tests form part of the recruitment process, applicants with dyslexia or other conditions, should be given longer to read and answer the questions to ensure a fair process. If an applicant is offered the job, then discussions should take place as to what steps and measures should be given to enable the individual to work in a comfortable environment. On the other hand, if an individual is not suitable for the position, then reasons why they were deemed not suitable should be recorded. There should be no evidence of discrimination in these reasons as this could potentially form the basis for a discrimination claim. Reasonable Adjustments The importance of making reasonable adjustments was emphasised by a previous Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Education and Employment, who advised that local authorities, â€Å"will be able to do virtually anything to encourage and enable disabled people to work for them, as long as they appoint the person who is most suitable for the job after they have made reasonable adjustment †¦ there is no maximum for such adjustments. If a local authority is prepared to invest vast sums of money in making provision so that a disabled person is suitable for a job, that is up to the authority, and it has that privilege†. The Tribunal in Wynn v Multipulse Electronics Ltd also considered this, where the job applicant was not interviewed on â€Å"health and safety†grounds because of his disability. The Tribunal found that the applicant had the requisite skills and experience for the job, but had been initially rejected as the small company decided that they did not ha ve the resources/finance to make the necessary reasonable adjustments. The Tribunal rejected this reasoning and decided that the company had not made a sensible consideration for the reasonable adjustments, including the fact that the Government provided support for work initiatives and, on this basis, they were successfully sued for disability discrimination. The duty to provide reasonable adjustments to disabled workers has provided the individuals with the statutory vehicle to pursue litigation to alleviating disability discrimination. It is an important outcome from the legislation. Reasonable adjustments can be temporary and can include improvements to the workplace to enable disabled employees to access their workspace and to be able to do their job correctly. This is often seen by the providing of ramps to work premises to assist wheelchair users. There is also the option of delegating certain parts of the job to temporary staff. By allowing disabled people the option of flex ible working hours and by granting them leave of absence for medical appointments etc, employers would be satisfying their legal duty of reasonable adjustments. This ties nicely with the opportunity of job-share. Before starting their role, employers should ensure that disabled people have had the requisite training for their role and correctly understand what is required of them. Employees should have the right equipment in order to complete their duties and this can include specially formatted computers for those with hearing and speaking difficulties. The statute has ensured that employers should take into consideration and take action into the above, and this on the face of it should be sufficient to combat discrimination to provide all employees with equal opportunities at work. Section 21 of the Equality Act 2010 states that it is against the law for an employer to fail to comply with this duty and they can face a discrimination claim if a breach has occurred. Notwithstanding this, Part 3 of Schedule 8 of the Act allows employers the defence that if they lacked knowledge of the disability then they cannot be sued for any lack of action on their part. This is arguably a fair section in the Act as the legal duty on employees has to be reasonable and employers cannot be expected to act if they were unaware of the disability. This is especially so when there is no legal duty on employees to report their disability to their employers. Although, if at interview the person’s disability is obvious at first sight, for example a wheelchair user, then the defence will not be permitted. Similarly, employers are permitted to ask such questions at interview and/or through an application form as to whether reasonable adjustments would be necessary for interview etc. It is argued that organisations that subscribe through these methods are adequately protecting themselves against potential disability discrimination claims. This may be more difficult for current em ployees whose conditions develop during their employment. The most common example is when an employee is suffering from depression and does not exhibit any outward symptoms. The question for the Tribunal is whether or not the employer ought reasonably to have known about the disability. These questions are arguably fair restrictions on the duty to make reasonable adjustments that should not prevent a clear case of disability discrimination. Approach by the Employment Tribunal If successful, Claimants can be awarded substantial fines by the Employment Tribunal, which should, in principle, lead to adequate deterrence to prevent further discrimination by organisations. Despite this, it is not necessarily the case as numerous claims have occurred every year since the introduction of the Equality Act 2010, thereby highlighting the large numbers of discrimination occurring in the workplace. Although, this figure is not truly representative as a number of employees do not take their case to the Tribunal, and it is worrying that the current figure may hide more discrimination in the UK. The lack of cases being taken to the Tribunal may be accounted for the rise in costs to take such action that is largely preventing claimants from pursing their claims. Those in the legal profession have voiced their concerns over the Government’s cuts in legal aid to this area and rising costs. Whilst the statue has in place the duty to make reasonable adjustments, if peop le cannot take their cases to Tribunal, this will severely reduce the deterrence and enforcement impact of the duty. The question of whether or not the adjustments made were ‘reasonable’ is assessed objectively by the Employment Tribunal: â€Å"The question of whether any reasonable adjustments were required †¦ depends on an objective assessment of what could be done to ameliorate the disadvantage in fact created.†The objective nature of the test was reinforced by the case of Tarbuck v Sainsbury Supermarkets Ltd and this remains under the Equality Act 2010. When deciding whether or not the employer has taken ‘reasonable’ measures, the Tribunal will consider factors, such as effectiveness and questioning whether it was a practical move. For example, by providing a blind employee with a computer formatted with braille, is both an effective and practical move to assisting the employee. Costs are a very important consideration and this will depend on a number of factors, such as the resources available to the organisation. It is common sense that a bigger company with more disposable income will be expected to have contributed more to the reasonable adjustments than a smaller company. Notwithstanding this, it is no justification for the employer to say that they could not afford the adjustments required to enable the disabled person to work. It is their legal duty to comply and the Government have providing numerous ways of funding these adjustments. Therefore the legal duty should be complied with and it should have initiated a sharp decrease in the instances of disability discrimination. In Tribunals today, the most popular test is that of The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Wilson, where the EAT held that firstly employers have to ask themselves whether the adjustment would overcome the disadvantage the disabled person is currently facing. If this is answered affirmatively, then the Tribunal considers whether or not it was practicable to take these steps. By assessing practicality, the Tribunal will consider the company’s resources and finances to ensure a fair decision is reached. Therefore a smaller company cannot have the defence of saying that they cannot afford to employ a disabled person. On this basis, the legal duty should be alleviating disability discrimination as it applies to all businesses. Academic Commentary Academics such as Anna Lawson point to the fact that disability is the only protected characteristic whereby an employer is under a reasonable adjustment duty. The UK is not unique in this respect, as the same situation is found in the EU and international law. â€Å"There have been calls for a more expansive approach which would extend such duties to religion or to other characteristics more generally. There was, however, surprisingly little discussion of such a possibility in the lead up to the Equality Act. Such a discussion might have been helpful in identifying whether disadvantages often associated with other protected characteristics require the flexibility of response of a reasonable adjustment duty or can be more effectively tackled through specific schemes (such as those applying to flexible working and parental leave).†From this academic perspective, it is fair to say that the legal duty on employers is a positive development in removing discrimination from disable d people. In this article, Lawson is such a supporter of the concept that she campaigns for its existence in other protected characteristics such as religion. This is because failing to comply with the duty to make reasonable adjustments is a form of discrimination in Employment law and the same cannot be said for other protected characteristics. On this viewpoint, it is strongly suggested that disabled people face higher protection than others in this regard. One of the many positives of the legal duty is that it, â€Å"If an employer has failed to make a reasonable adjustment which would have prevented or minimised the unfavourable treatment, it will be very difficult for them to show that the treatment was objectively justified.†However, one of the major problems with discrimination affecting disabled people is that, even if an employer complies with his duty to make reasonable adjustments, they can still treat the disabled employee unfairly on the basis of their disabili ty. For example, an employer may change an employee’s working hours to ensure they attend medical appointments, but that does not prevent them from dismissing the employee on the ground of absence from work. From an objective perspective, the legal duty on employees to make reasonable adjustments for disabled workers has resulted in an increase in the number of disabled people in employment. This can be viewed as a positive step forward in support of disabled people in the workplace. Yet this has occurred with at the same time as an increase in the number of disability discrimination claims. Given the high number of claims, it is at least arguable that reform of the law is required to provide stronger deterrence against disability discrimination. Case Law The case law in this area is interesting and provides valuable assistance in examining whether or not adjustments have eliminated discrimination and inequality of opportunity faced by disabled individuals. The case of Wilson v DWP provides a useful insight into the attitudes of the Tribunal and the way that disability discrimination law has developed, as the Tribunal was seen to be making a substantial award as a mark of deterrence. The case of O’Hanlon v Commissioner for HM Customs said that, â€Å"It will be a very rare case indeed where the adjustment said to be applicable here, that is merely giving higher sick pay than would be payable to a non-disabled person who in general does not suffer the same disability related absences, would be considered necessary as a reasonable adjustment†¦although we do not rule out the possibility that it could be in exceptional circumstances.†Therefore, in exceptional circumstances this could form part of the employer’s legal duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people to alleviate any disadvantages or inequality of opportunity. The Tribunal in Nottinghamshire County Council v Miekle echoed this, where the employee was awarded full sick pay for her leave of absence from work. But, this was namely because the failure to make reasonable adjustments was the reason for the employee’s absence, there was a causal connection that assisted her claim. Therefore, this should provide sufficient protection for disabled people from discrimination in the work place. Although, successful cases against employers have been found in cases, such as Burke v Clinton Cards. In this case, a female employee was diagnosed with cancer and despite her employer being aware of her condition, she received an increased workload and the work was not suitable for her. The Tribunal found that her employer had not complied with their legal duty to provide reasonable adjustments, such as a lighter workload or job d uties more suitable to her condition. Both of these measures could have been easily implemented and it only highlights the lack of action by the employer. Therefore, the Tribunal awarded the employee ?10,000 in compensation for her discriminatory treatment. This shows that the Tribunals are willing to find actions of disability discrimination and are doing their part to significantly reduce disability discrimination at work. In the case of Chief Constable of South Yorkshire police v Jelic, the Employment Appeals Tribunal upheld the ruling by the trial Tribunal that the employer had failed to make reasonable adjustments for the disabled employee. The EAT ruled that it would have been a reasonable measure to have allocate the employee’s duties to another police officer in order to assist them. Job sharing and allocating of responsibilities is an important delegation decision for the employer and the Tribunal views it as a reasonable action to take in the circumstances views it. The relatively simple nature of such an action is arguably strong evidence of the continual presence of discrimination against disabled people by employers. The fact that it is against the law to do so does not appear to be an adequate deterrent against discriminatory behaviour. In the media, there have been a couple of high profile cases involving disabled people and the lack of reasonable adjustments. One of the most controversial cases, which showed an apparent discrimination case that shocked the nation, was the female employee at Abercrombie & Fitch. The woman had had her arm amputated and as a result, the employer said it was not a sight that customers should have to see whilst they were shopping. Instead, of making reasonable adjustments to accommodate this, the female employee was sent to the stockroom. The Tribunal and most reading the case were appalled with the behaviour and attitude of the employer. This was reflected in the award the Tribunal provided to the employee. The high profile nature of such claims should act as sufficient deterrence but this case shows that it has been successful at this. Therefore, more is required in order to reduce discriminatory actions against disabled work to allow everyone to be treated equally at work. Conclusion The statute provides that the employer has an important duty to take reasonable practicable steps to ensure that their employees are protected from any risk of harm. This is extended when the situation concerns disabled people as employers must go one step further to make sure that the work and their work premises do not prohibit their ability to do their job. On the face of it, it is clear that the duty to make reasonable adjustments has, to some extent, eliminated discrimination and inequality of opportunity faced by disabled individuals. The same problem applies across the law of discrimination as protection is only granted to the individual if their condition meets the definition of ‘disability.’ It is arguably a complex definition that should be given wider scope to ensure adequate protection for all disabled people in the UK against discrimination. The high number of hurdles a claimant has to jump over to be successful in this litigation is a worrying concern for s ome academics, as they propose that even more has to be done in this area to alleviate disability discrimination in the workplace. As one academic, who campaigns for a reform in the law, says: â€Å"The requirement of knowledge reinforces the reactive nature of the reasonable adjustment duty and likewise places no obligation on employers to consider adjustments until they are confronted either by an applicant, or employee whom they know, or ought to know, to be disabled and to be exposed to a substantial disadvantage as a result of their provisions, criteria, practices or physical features.†Also, the vast number of cases being heard by Employment Tribunals nationally shows that the law is not acting as deterrence to employers. Instead, it may be advisable that reforms do occur in the law to ensure that disabled people have the same opportunities that are open to all. Bibliography Articles Employment Law Bulletin, ‘Disability Discrimination Act 1995’ (1996) 2 Anna Lawson, ‘Disability and employment in the Equality Act 2010: opportunities seized, lost and generated†Industrial Law Journal (2011) 359 Stephen Bunbury, ‘The Employer’s Duty to make Reasonable Adjustments. When is a reasonable adjustment not reasonable?’ International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 2009, Vol.10, pp. 111-131 Books Ian Smith & Aaron Baker, ‘Smith & Wood’s Employment Law’ (11th ed, OUP, 2013) Cases Archibald v Fife Council [2004] IRLR 651 Burke v Clinton Cards October 2010, ET/2900622/09 Chief Constable of South Yorkshire police v Jelic [2010] UKEAT 0491/09/2904 Nottinghamshire County Council v Miekle [2004] EWCA Civ 859 O’Hanlon v Commission for HM Customs [2006] IRLR 840 Tarbuck v Sainsbury Supermarkets Ltd [2006] IRLR 664 The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Wilson UKEAT/0289/09 Wilson v DWP [2010] EAT/0289/09 Wynn v Multipulse Electronics Ltd 22 October 2007, Case Number: 2301416/07 Government Report Equality of Human Rights Commission, ‘Equality Act 2010 Code of Practice’ Legislation Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Equality Act 2010 Website Rebecca English (The Daily Mail) â€Å"I was banished to the stockroom, says disabled shop girl now suing Abercrombie & Fitch for discrimination†available at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1192674/I-banished-stockroom-says-disabled-shop-girl-suing-Abercrombie–Fitch-discrimination.html accessed 9 May 2014 Equality & Human Rights Commission ‘Reasonable adjustments’ http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/advice-and-guidance/education-providers-schools-guidance/key-concepts/reasonable-adjustments/ accessed 13 May 2014 Gov.uk, ‘Reasonable adjustments for disabled workers’ https://www.gov.uk/reasonable-adjustments-for-disabled-workers accessed 13 May 2014 HSE ‘The law’ http://www.hse.gov.uk/disability/law.htm accessed 13 May 2014 Samira Shackle (NewStatesman) ‘How legal aid cuts are harming the voiceless and most vulnerable’ (13 January 2014) http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2014/01/how-legal-aid-cuts-are-h arming-voiceless-and-most-vulnerable accessed 13 May 2014 Xpert HR, ‘Disability discrimination awards 2011/12’ http://www.xperthr.co.uk/quick-reference/disability-discrimination-awards-201112/114296/ accessed 9 May 2014
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Percy Bysshe Shelly Essay
William Wordsworth and Percy Bysshe Shelley are two of the best known poets in the world of literature. And with that being said, it would be very interesting to set their greatest works side by side. But it would be important to keep in mind that one should approach these great works with great respect to unearth hints to what make them great poems. If the works of these two great poets are set aside together, one would immediately notice that nature is much used as an image by both poets. Many of their poems are citing elements of nature, like trees, birds, the ocean, the sky, etc. , and even Nature herself. Both of these poets had expressed their fascination at nature and had incorporated that fascination through their poetry. According to Warren, both of the two poet’s fascination about nature has much to do with the context of the composition of their poems. Both nature poems of Shelley and Wordsworth are deeply affected by the actual time and location of their writings. In Wordsworth’s â€Å"Tintern Abbey†, he was writing a poem on a summer day while just sitting on an English countryside. On the other hand, while writing one of his most famous works, â€Å"Mont Blanc†, Shelley was writing his poem while travelling along the Alps. (Warren) Wordsworth’s poem entitled â€Å"The World is too much with us†, is a piece that exudes the poet’s use of nature as an image. The title alone suggests a conflict between the world [nature] and us [humanity]. Two lines are almost explicitly telling to the readers that this poem is about nature â€Å"getting and spending we lay waste our powers / little we see in Nature that is ours†(Wordsworth 94-95) It is very noticeable that the word first letter of the word â€Å"Nature†is capitalized. Wordsworth’s most likely reason for capitalizing the first letter is to give emphasis on the word, make it stand out in the poem. A common interpretation of the poem would be about the lost connection between man and nature that once was strong. On the other hand, the poem â€Å"Mont Blanc: Lines Written in the Vale of Chamouni†by Shelley does not aim to describe a conflict. The poem is more likely to be leaning towards a statement that man and nature are intrinsically related. The poem is quite long, but after reading it a reader is likely to have a conclusion that the poem is a mere description, just in poetic language. Shelley’s fascination with nature is very evident in this particular poem. As if functioning like a thesis statement, the first four lines suggest to the reader that the poet want to express his immense awe of nature â€Å"the everlasting universe of things / flows through the mind, and rolls its rapid waves / now darkâ€â€now gliterring-no, reflecting gloom / now lending splendor, where from secret springs†(Shelley 125) By looking at this poem of Shelley, we could see that he is talking about how the beauty of nature had astounded him. The tone of his poems also suggests that the poetry of Shelley is fueled by the inspiration that nature generously grants to him. Other works like â€Å"Ode to the West Wind†, â€Å"To a Skylark†, â€Å"The Sensitive Plant†, â€Å"The Cloud†and the best known in the list â€Å"Prometheus Unbound. †It is even stated in his biography that Shelley had already exuded a fascination with nature since his early childhood. According to his biography, he had grown up listening to nature stories like that was about the ponds and the woods in the place where he grew up. (Shelley 22-25) Going back to Wordsworth, he had seemingly taken the theme of nature to a higher level. In the poem â€Å"The Tables Turned†, he argues that nature could provide us better education than what we are receiving from schools. He started the poem with what seems to be an invitation â€Å"Up! up! my Friend, and quit your books / or surely you’ll grow double†(Wordsworth 41) Then he would describe the alluring beauty of nature in the second stanza. Then Wordsworth would throw in the third stanza the line â€Å"books! Tis a dull and endless strife†explicitly reiterating and reinforcing his argument that nature is the better educator our system of education. He proposes nature as the alternative educator in the same stanza â€Å"some, hear the woodland linnet / how sweet his music! on my life. †He would end the third stanza with a bold claim that â€Å"there is more wisdom in it [nature]. †The fourth stanza would end in two arguably preachy lines â€Å"Come forth into the light of things / let Nature be your teacher. †In the next stanza Wordsworth had addressed nature as a â€Å"she†: â€Å"she has a world of ready wealth. †It is typical of nature poets to portray nature with a feminine tone. That is because both nature and women are regarded as the giver and nurturer of life. (Wordsworth 41) The poem â€Å"The Tables Turned†had undeniably established Wordsworth as a nature poet. The way he had presented his argument about nature is really exceptional. He had presented nature as a generous educator in this poem. In the fifth stanza there is the line â€Å"truth breathed by cheerfulness. †What Wordsworth may have been trying to say is that unlike most schools, nature is willing to give the education for free through her â€Å"†¦world of ready wealth. †And this kind of education that nature offers surpasses the kind of education that schools can provide. Wordsworth is claiming that nature â€Å"†¦has our minds and hearts to bless. †He presented to us the possibility that nature â€Å"may teach you [us] more of man. †Wordsworth is suggesting that nature could teach us lessons beyond what we could learn in classrooms and books, like about â€Å"†¦moral evil and of good. †The phrase â€Å"the light of things†could be roughly interpreted as the â€Å"truth†that all of us should be aware of. As we go further with the poem, we could observe that Wordsworth had stood his ground in this particular poem. There are no hesitations, diversionary design; he did not even leave a space for rebuttals. He had shown his strength as an author by being loyal to his argument and presenting it in a very convincing manner. We could just imagine the influence of this poem to other poets, considering the status of Wordsworth as one of the greatest writers that had ever lived. In many sense, the poem â€Å"The Tables Turned†had become a mouth piece for Wordsworth’s fascination of nature. He had wittingly and ended the piece with the last stanza starting with the lines â€Å"enough of science and of art / close up those barren leaves. †In the case of Shelley, his poems oftentimes describe instances when nature is communicating with him. As a response, he uses nature as the main image for his poems. He had expressed this special kind of communication with nature through his poem â€Å"The Sensitive Plant. †The design of the poem is seemingly a mere poetic description of the mimosa, or more commonly addressed as the â€Å"sensitive plant†â€Å"a sensitive plant in the garden grew, and the young winds fed it with silver dew†(Shelley) But a thorough reading of the poem would lead the readers to Shelley’s likely-intended profound realization. A common interpretation of Shelley’s poem is that it claims that elements of nature, just like human imagination, could provide us with a more agreeable version of the concept of life. Shelley had expressed this through the stanza â€Å"it is a modest creed, and yet / pleasant if one considers it / to own that death itself must be / like all the rest, a mockery†(Shelley) Conclusion As nature poets, Wordsworth and Shelley would definitely share lots of striking similarities in terms of writing style. Both of them would sprinkle their poems with objects associated with nature like trees, ocean, animals, etc. Both of them would also include the word â€Å"Nature†with the first letter capitalized to give emphasis. It would also be typical of their poems to address nature as a â€Å"she†in line with the common notion that nature is a representation of womanhood. But of course, there would be a significant difference between the two poets’ use of nature as an image. Aside from the fact that Shelley had focused on the relationship of man and nature, he had also used the image of nature to paint a beautiful image of nature using his poems a canvass. On the other hand, Wordsworth had used the image of nature to allude to some concerns of the society, like education. It is not that one poet is superior to the other, after all, they are not competing as to whom can provide a more beautiful rendition of nature. As nature poets, they are already aware of the fact that nature would always be beautiful as it is. Their poems would just be a reminder of the undeniable beauty of nature. Works Cited Shelley, Percy Bysshe. The Selected Poetry and Prose of Shelley: With an Introduction and Bibliography. UK: Wordsworth Editions. 1994 Wordsworth, William. Selected Poems of William Wordsworth. UK: Heinemann. 1958 Warren, Amelia. Nature, Shelley, and Wordsworth. Retrieved 1 June 2008
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on The Jewelry
Guy de Maupassant’s short story â€Å"The Jewelry†is a critical look at the nineteenth century French bourgeois’ lust for wealth. Maupassant was born in France near the city of Dieppe and lived from 1850-1893. This time frame is critical because â€Å"Maupassant took the subjects for his pessimistic stories and novels chiefly from the Norman peasant life, the Franco-Prussian War, the behavior of the bourgeoisie, and the fashionable life of Paris.†(kirjasto.sci.fi/maupassa.htm, 1st paragraph) He was also known for writing about things that had occurred to him, and just fantasized them. In the story â€Å"The Jewelry†the main character M. Lantin is a civil servant working under the Minister of the interior. Maupassant held two very similar functions just before the time he wrote this story. â€Å"Between the years 1872 and 1880 Maupassant was a civil servant, first at the ministry of maritime affairs, then at the ministry of education.†(kir jasto.sci.fi/maupassa.htm, 5th paragraph) The role of the bourgeois is very important in this story because M. Lantin falls into this social class. â€Å"Bourgeoisie, in socioeconomic theory, the social order that is dominated by the so-called middle class.†(Encyclopedia Britannica, Book #2 page 428) Because of the industrial revolution in the nineteenth century, â€Å"the medieval craftsman began to separate into two classes – the employers and the employees – and the growth of a new kind of class consciousness tended to restrict the idea of bourgeois to the employers. Thus arose a system of economic and social classification that emphasized the distinction between bourgeoisie (or capitalists) and proletariat (nobles).†(Encyclopedia Britannica, Book #2 page 428-429) Since the bourgeois of de Maupassant’s time was a capitalist, he was always lusting for wealth. The whole capitalist idea is geared towards profits, to be used as capital to make more profits. The word itself ... Free Essays on The Jewelry Free Essays on The Jewelry Guy de Maupassant’s short story â€Å"The Jewelry†is a critical look at the nineteenth century French bourgeois’ lust for wealth. Maupassant was born in France near the city of Dieppe and lived from 1850-1893. This time frame is critical because â€Å"Maupassant took the subjects for his pessimistic stories and novels chiefly from the Norman peasant life, the Franco-Prussian War, the behavior of the bourgeoisie, and the fashionable life of Paris.†(kirjasto.sci.fi/maupassa.htm, 1st paragraph) He was also known for writing about things that had occurred to him, and just fantasized them. In the story â€Å"The Jewelry†the main character M. Lantin is a civil servant working under the Minister of the interior. Maupassant held two very similar functions just before the time he wrote this story. â€Å"Between the years 1872 and 1880 Maupassant was a civil servant, first at the ministry of maritime affairs, then at the ministry of education.†(kir jasto.sci.fi/maupassa.htm, 5th paragraph) The role of the bourgeois is very important in this story because M. Lantin falls into this social class. â€Å"Bourgeoisie, in socioeconomic theory, the social order that is dominated by the so-called middle class.†(Encyclopedia Britannica, Book #2 page 428) Because of the industrial revolution in the nineteenth century, â€Å"the medieval craftsman began to separate into two classes – the employers and the employees – and the growth of a new kind of class consciousness tended to restrict the idea of bourgeois to the employers. Thus arose a system of economic and social classification that emphasized the distinction between bourgeoisie (or capitalists) and proletariat (nobles).†(Encyclopedia Britannica, Book #2 page 428-429) Since the bourgeois of de Maupassant’s time was a capitalist, he was always lusting for wealth. The whole capitalist idea is geared towards profits, to be used as capital to make more profits. The word itself ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Sample Common Application Essay Option 5 with Critique
Sample Common Application Essay Option 5 with Critique Jill writes about a person who had a significant influence on her. Her response works well for the 2018-19 Common Application essay option #5: Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. As you read the essay, note how it is about much more than the woman who influenced Jill. Jill uses her interactions with a strong-willed and difficult woman to reveal to the admissions folks an important moment in her own personal growth. Sample Common Application Essay Buck Up by Jill Susan Lewis is a woman that very few people would consider a role model for anything. A fifty-something high-school dropout, she has little more to her name than a beat-up truck, a Jack Russell Terrier and a ragtag herd of aging and/or neurotic horses with which shes run a largely unsuccessful riding lesson program for twenty years with no business plan to speak of and little hope of ever turning a profit. She curses like a sailor, is perpetually un-punctual, and has an erratic and often terrifying temper. Ive taken weekly riding lessons with Sue since middle school, often against my own better judgment. Because for all her seemingly unredeemable qualities, she inspires me - not necessarily as a person Id strive to emulate, but simply for her unwavering perseverance. In the five years Ive known her, Ive never once seen her give up on anything. She would sooner go hungry (and sometimes does) than give up on her horses and her business. She sticks to her guns on every issue, from political views to hay prices to her (frankly terrible) business model. Sue has never once given up on herself or her horses or her business, and she never gives up on her students. My dad lost his job not long after I started high school, and horseback riding quickly became a luxury we couldnt afford. So I called Sue to tell her that I wouldnt be riding for a while, at least until my father was back on his feet. I hadnt expected an outpouring of sympathy (Sue, as you may have guessed, isnt an overwhelmingly sympathetic person), but I certainly wasnt expecting her to yell at me, either. Which was exactly what happened. She told me in no uncertain terms that I was ridiculous for thinking that money should stop me from doing something I loved, and she would see me bright and early Saturday morning regardless, and if she had to drive me to the barn herself that she would, and Id better be wearing a good pair of boots because Id be working off my lessons until further notice. Her refusal to give up on me said more than I could ever put into words. It would have been easy for her to just let me leave. But Sue was never a person to take the easy way out, and she showed me how to do the same. I worked harder in Sues barn that year than Id ever worked before, earning every minute of my riding time, and Id never felt more proud of myself. In her own stubborn way, Sue had shared with me an invaluable lesson in perseverance. She may not be much of a role model in any other respect, but Susan Lewis does not give up, and I strive every day to live by her example. Analysis and Critique of Jill's Common Application Essay What can you learn from how this essay was written? The essay is interesting and written in an engaging style, but how well does this work for the purpose of the Common Application essay? The Essays Title The title is the first thing a reader sees. A good title can immediately pique your readers curiosity and grab his or her attention. The title frames and focuses the words that follow. A missing title is a lost opportunity, and a weak title is an immediate handicap. Unfortunately, coming up with a good title can be remarkably difficult. Jills title Buck Up is good in that it plays with the word buck. On the one hand, the essay is about horses. On the other, it is using the phrase buck up to mean showing some courage or backbone. This kind of playfulness can work well in a title. Buck Up, however, does have some shortcomings. Namely, it isnt entirely clear to the reader what the essay will be about. The admissions folks may end up appreciating the title, but only after they read the essay. A title that makes sense only in retrospect obviously isnt doing the best job preparing the reader for the essay. The Essays Focus By focusing on Susan Lewis, someone who in many ways isnt even likable, the essay isnt typical, and it shows that the author can recognize the positive in a person who has a lot of negatives going for her. The college admission reader will be impressed that the author has shown she is a creative and open-minded thinker. The essay fully explains the influence Susan Lewis has on the author, leading her to appreciate hard work and perseverance. This was an important step into adulthood for the author. Also, think about the broader implications of the essay. If a teenager is able to recognize the positive qualities of someone as unlikable as Susan Lewis, that student is also likely to do well in a residential college where different personalities are thrown together in close quarters. The Essays Tone Striking the right tone can be a big challenge in a college application essay. When writing about someone who is rather unlikable, it would be easy to come across as mocking or condescending. The essay points out many of Susan Lewiss shortcomings, but it keeps a light an playful tone. The result is that the author comes across as loving and appreciative, not deprecating. However, it takes a skillful writer to provide just the right balance of levity and seriousness. This is a danger zone, and you will need to ensure you dont fall into a negative tone. The Quality of the Writing Buck Up is not a perfect essay, but the flaws are few. Try to avoid clichà © or tired phrases such as sticks to her guns and back on his feet. There are also a few minor grammatical mistakes. Jill does well when it comes to the essays style. The narrative has a pleasing variety of sentence types ranging from short and punchy to long and complex. The language is playful and engaging, and Jill has done an admirable job painting a rich portrait of Susan Lewis in a few short paragraphs. Every sentence and paragraph adds important details to the essay, and the reader never gets the sense that Jill is wasting space with a bunch of unnecessary fluff. This is important: with the 650-word limit on Common Application essays, theres no room for wasted words. At 478 words, Jill is safely within the length limit. The most admirable thing about the writing here is that Jills personality comes through. We get a sense of her humor, her power of observation, and her generosity of spirit. A lot of applicants feel like they need to brag about their accomplishments in their application essay, yet Jill shows how those accomplishments can be conveyed in a pleasingly understated way. Why Colleges Ask Applicants to Write Essays Its always important to keep in mind why colleges ask applicants to write essays. On a simple level, they want to make sure you can write well, something that Jill has demonstrated effectively with Buck Up. But more significantly, the admissions folks are indicating that they have holistic admissions and they want to get to know the students they are considering for admission. Test scores and grades dont tell a college what type of person you are, other than one who works hard and tests well. Whats your personality like? What do you truly care about? How do you communicate your ideas to others? And the big one: Are you the type of person we want to invite to become part of our campus community? The personal essay (along with the interview and letters or recommendation) is one of the few pieces of the application that helps the admissions folks get to know the person behind the grades and test scores. Jills essay, whether deliberately or not, answers these questions in ways that work in her favor. She shows that she is observant, caring, and funny. She demonstrates self-awareness as she narrates the ways in which she has grown as a person. She shows that she is generous and finds positive qualities in people who have a lot of negatives. And she reveals that she gets pleasure out of overcoming challenges and working hard to achieve her goals. In short, she comes across as the type of person who would enrich a campus community.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Customer Orientation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Customer Orientation - Essay Example The subject of customer orientation, that was discussed in this essay has become a subject of interest not only to the business world, but also to the scholarly world. In the recent past, companies have committed a lot of resource on researching on the subject of customer orientation behavior and building of organization culture that is customer oriented. There have been systematic effort by many companies to come up with programs especially in their production and sales department that are customer oriented. Companies have encouraged their sales people to implement behavior which are customer oriented and which focus on the integration of marketing concepts and customer oriented behaviors. Satisfaction of customers has been the guiding principle in the operation of many companies. Concept places more emphasize on the need to listen to the needs of the customer. In this regard it tries to find out what kind of products the customer needs in the market and what response customer gives about the product that they are provided with. The researcher then concluds that this concept as used in management and business can be seen as a way of staying closer to the customers or putting the customer at the to pf o the organization chart. This means that the customer become the most important person in the business organization. It is also stated that the main focus of customer orientation is in production and in sales. This knowledge will help the researcher to provide his customers with servicers that are tailored to their needs. ... This means that the customer become the most important person in the organization. The main focus of customer orientation is in production and in sales. (Berneisten, 2004) Which behavior can be considered as customer oriented There are several behaviors which can bee seen as customer oriented. These are behavior and actions that are aimed at meeting the satisfaction of the customers. These action include thinking and talking about clients, assessing customer perception, resolving priority issue in favor of customer, making amends for poor treatment of customers, employing any policy at hand in order to satisfy the needs of the customers, re-aligning processes and redeployment of resource which are geared toward ensuring high quality services to the customers, and many other action all which are aimed at satisfying the needs of the customers. (Hunt, 2000) Therefore customer oriented actions are those actions which will be opposed to sales action that are geared toward achieving immediately increased sales of a product rather than satisfying the needs of the customers. Sales oriented actions are geared towards achieving immediate sales with no regard to the benefit the product will have on the customers. Therefore as opposed to sales oriented actions, customer oriented actions will be looking at satisfying the needs of the customer and hence it will involve collecting the view of the customer about products and services and likewise giving redeploying service and process to suit the needs of the customers. How can a corporate create a customer oriented culture The culture of a corporation is one of the most important aspects that determine how an organization performs. Different Corporations have been known by different culture where they
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