Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Consumer Behavior Tv Advertising
Television advertisements are paid for by an organization (usually a business) to convey a message and to market or promote a specific product or service. These advertisements can range in length from a few seconds to several minutes and have been used since 1941. These advertisements usually get the prospected consumers' attention and often times persuade them to urchasing the product or service.This type of advertisement is in the form of entertainment and needs to be creative. Humor is one of the most widely used techniques in advertising around the world, with about one out of every five television ads containing humorous appeals, but do they actually get us to laugh or smile. Despite the wide array of contemporary advertising formats and media, television advertising remains the most dominant form to which typical consumers are exposed.Research on attitudes toward advertising in general (Att-AiG) implicitly assumes that the Att-AiG measure represents advertising as a whole. A ma jor finding of the current research is that consumers tend to have a mental representation, or exemplar, of the most typical type of advertising†television advertising†when they televtston advertising. To test for typicality effects on reported Att-AiG, we conducted an experiment to test that Att-AiG is closely related to attitudes toward television advertising (Att- TV, ereafter), because television advertising is activated when participants report their Att-AiG.he experiment was a one-factor-between-group design with seven groups: one control group and six experimental groups. A total of 134 undergraduate students from the same population as Study 1 participated in the experiment. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the seven conditions. Gender was balanced. Advertising and marketing students were not included in the experiment.. Each of the 33 items was tested across the 7 conditions via ANOVA and post hoc ests.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Harry Potter & the Commodity Fetishism
Amalia Rodrigues Film Survey Prompt 1 Harry Potter & the Commodity Fetishism There are few things in this world that manage to seep into every crevice our lives as humans; the air we breathe, the people we interact with, and in our contemporary culture, the buying and selling of commodities. The masses have adopted a â€Å"give the people what they want†attitude that results in the commodification of everything thinkable. â€Å"Even as a negation of that social purposiveness which is spreading through the market, [art’s] freedom remains essentially bound up with the premise of a commodity economy†(Adorno & Horkheimer 1238).There may have been a time when art was an escape from the domination of commerce, when people created things motivated by passion and emotion rather than by the prospect of dollar signs; no longer does that time exist. In film, the studio system has become a monopoly, and the structure of films, a formula. Though some would argue that there are a myriad of genres that give variety to the industry, Adorno and Horkheimer would counter that a menu is still not a choice, and that the monopolization of the film industry takes away from a world of choices and freedoms.The industry has morphed into a total administration of art, undoubtedly integrating our pleasure in the theater with the machinery of global media firms. A textbook example is the franchise of the Harry Potter films, which more than most any series of films, proliferates the sins of hyper commercialism. A commodity is defined as something that has use value, or utility, by satisfying a particular need or desire, created to be exchanged for a profit.It must have some sort of utility, or it will not be desired by a prospective buyer. â€Å"So far as it is a value in use, there is nothing mysterious about it, whether we consider it from the point of view that by its properties it is capable of satisfying human wants, or from the point that those properties are t he product of human labor†(Marx 1). This could be virtually anything, being that everything today has a price put on it by society. We are constructed through our relationship with and use of commodities in our everyday lives.As a people, we have become obsessed with the commodities we surround ourselves with, constructing our identities through the material goods that inhabit us. Commodity fetishism replaces relationships between people with relationships between humans and objects. The eruption of the Harry Potter phenomenon occurred in the late nineties and has only flourished since. The author of the series, J. K. Rowling, created a world that nobody had seen before, a world of magic. This world, along with the lovable characters involved, are what our society seamlessly bought into.The masses fell in love with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, leaving them vulnerable to the impending commercial goods that the media conglomerates would soon overwhelmingly develop. And, no doubt, the Potter-inspired merchandise began to flow like lava as the movies were produced one by one, each one more successful than the next. Mindlessly, readers and viewers were sucked in by the new world of witchcraft and wizardry that leaves ceaseless possibilities for immense revenue. To quote Adorno and Horkheimer, â€Å"The culture perpetually cheats its consumers of what it perpetually promises.The promissory note which, with its plots and staging, it draws on pleasure is endlessly prolonged; the promise, which is actually all the spectacle consists of, is illusory: all it actually confirms is that the real point will never be reached, that the diner must be satisfied with the menu†(Adorno & Horkheimer 1230). When adopting the premise of Harry Potter from words in a book to the big motion-picture screen, the film makers undoubtedly had dollar signs flashing in their pupils.Such a fantastically huge foundation was built and the only direction to move was up. Before Harry cou ld say â€Å"abracadabra†(or something to that effect) stores began to overflow with anything and everything with the name â€Å"Harry Potter†plastered on the side. Hats, mugs, T-shirts, video games, costumes, the signature round glasses, not one item from the series has gone unnoticed by the conglomerates who are so devoted to squeezing every ounce of profit out of poor Harry’s wand.Even the earwax jellybeans that Dumbledore so foolishly consumes out of his bag of â€Å"Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans†are readily available at your local superstore. There is simply no escaping the pure immensity that is the Potter revolution. Children are hosting Harry Potter themed birthday parties, adults are tattooing the dark mark on their bodies, college students are starting quidditch teams and tournaments, and families are taking road trips to the newly developed â€Å"Harry Potter World†in Universal Studios.This latest installment of the Harry P otter craze allows fans to live in the world they see on screen, drink butter beer, and purchase wands from Olivander’s; all of this for the low, low price of a hefty wad of cash straight into the pockets of the already multi-billion dollar industry. And yet, somehow our society does not mind being conned into purchasing such unnecessary yet desirable items, directly depicting the idea of commodity fetishism. Massive consumerism based on obsessions drawn from movies and franchises such as Harry Potter happen day to day, year to year, generation to generation.It has become so naturalized in our society to buy into our every impulse of consumer products that we cannot help but be blinded by our desires for such vain items. In a way, we, as consumers, are being exploited similarly to the way that house elves like Dobby are exploited in the Harry Potter series. We are born into our exploitation, and in some ways seem to enjoy it, as the elves seem to enjoy their dirty work. As a population, we can only hope to be as lucky as Dobby, to find a sock in an old diary, and be set free from manipulation.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Material Culture and Dignity of Women
This is an interview on allegedly loss of dignity experienced by a family which has undergone social change because of material culture (technology).The advancement of technical know-how nowadays has resulted to various constructive and destructive consequences. In this particular case, the sociological family problem refers to chatting on the Internet, a hobby or interest which has undoubtedly become a money-making venture to some women.Thus, according to its breadwinner and head of the family interviewed, his daughter has lost her dignity for chatting on the Internet just to earn money from foreigners who are willing to pay just so their desires are met.What is of major concern in this scenario is the issue on moral values, poverty and gender sensitivity perhaps. In the society in general today, chatting in the Internet is considered unethical for the very reason that the intention of doing it is for money. Self-respect is being sacrificed and is deemed vanished in the process. Mos t of us value money, status, personal fulfillment, and freedom†¦ (Ursery, 2002).The second key point is poverty. Half the world  nearly three billion people  live on less than two dollars a day (Shah, 2007). The case family was categorized as economically challenged and was really having difficulty looking for income-generating activities. This was seen as the main motive why the daughter engaged in chatting on the Internet.Finally, the third contention is gender sensitivity. Getting paid for chatting in the Internet has generally devastating effects on the identity of women. Some view is as degrading to females as if they are merely â€Å"objects†for gratification in whatever form required by men who take advantage of such services.From a personal perspective, chatting on the Internet as a material culture and a growing trend for easy money should not be tolerated for it corrupts the value of women. There are other ways of earning through respectable an d decent means.Poverty cannot be used as an excuse to engage in amoral acts though it is not a sin to try to raise one’s standard of living. It is not fair for other women in making generalizations that women are merely â€Å"objects of gratification†or â€Å"objects of desire and malicious intent.†Women are seen to be a sensitive and fragile creature that is why they should be preserved and respected.Culture may consist of attitudes, beliefs, customs, traditions, art and achievements of society that are passed on to each generation (â€Å"Emeralds,†n.d.). It is often said that culture, material culture (technology), is learned and adapted from one’s environment. Computers are thought to be one of man’s greatest inventions. In this 21st century, or the Computer Age, everything operates using these electronic devices in information, communication, and telecommunication domestically and internationally.Socializing by learning this cyber-cul ture is not bad but it should be used properly and for the right purposes without forgoing morality standards. Incorporating them in our lives is a not abrupt but is done gradually through stages and adjustment is vital in the process.In conclusion, chatting on the Internet for money is not an acceptable practice no matter how prevalent it is at present. The daughter’s way of earning is not a dignified thing to do. Moral values, poverty and gender sensitivity are key points to consider in all our undertakings. Material culture (technology) is beneficial but precautions must be taken so as not to abuse it.Referencesâ€Å"Causes of Social Change.†(2002). Retrieved December 13, 2007, fromâ€Å"Emeralds: Components of Culture.†(n.d.). Retrieved December 13, 2007, from, A. (2007). Causes of Poverty. Retrieved December 13, 2007, from http ://, D. (2002). Exploring Rules, Values and Principles. Retrieved December 13, 2007, fromÂ
Organic memory transistor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Organic memory transistor - Essay Example They (Fakher & Mabrooka, 2012) reported that the output characteristics for both the devices show perfect and good saturation area at low and high voltage; VDS respectively. They also found out that, in the control device, the mobility (Â µ), the threshold and the on/off rotation were 0.27cm2 V-1S-1, 16V and 4.1 X 104 respectively. However, in the organic memory floating gate; the mobility was found to be 0.04 cm2 V-1S-1, the threshold was between -23 and -47 volts while the on/off ratio was 2.3 X 103. For high mobility and increasing on/off ratio, the smooth surface, uniform and loose pin holes where the reverse proportionality of PMMA concentration which was above 15wt%, and can be a significant influence on the average grain region and average roughness of pentacene layer. They also stated that a clear trend was there to show that there was no hysteresis in the control transistor due to non charge storage element. In addition, they said that the gold floating gate of the organic memory transistor causes low mobility due to the gold nanoparticle affected to follow and carry charges from the first layer of PMMA through gold floating gate to the second layer of the PMMA in the insulator. ... That was when different pulses of OTMFTs were applied to the gate electrodes. This was evident in non-volatile state attitude for the organic thin film memory transistor device. Graphene oxide and floating gate: Other authors, including Tae-Wook Kim, Yan Gao, Orb Action, Hin-Lap, Hong Ma and others, also reported about the electrical characteristics of organic non-volatile memory transistors (ONVMTs) using chemically synthesized grapheme oxide (GO) as a charge trapping layer based on pentacene/PMMA/Grapheme oxide nanosheets/SiO2.GO (Kim, et al., 2010). the nanosheets were produced by modified Hammer’s process then deposited on top of SiO2 substrate using spin coating and hot plate (3000 rpm for 40s and 120C0 for 10 minutes), respectively. The drain/source contact was of gold and had a thickness of 50nm thick and a semiconductor layer of 50nm was deposited using thermal evaporation of pentacene. The GO nonosheets were located between PMMA and SiO2 layers of about 10nm of thickn ess. A clear trend, morphological properties of grapheme oxide such as rougher and coverage region were dependent on the concentration of its solution. The output and transfer characteristics of both the devices, namely; control (OFETs) device without grapheme nanosheets and (ONVMTs) device within GO nanosheets, have similar values of mobility ), threshold and on/off ration which were 0.16 cm2V-1S-1, 6.5V and 106 respectively. On the other hand, travelling electrons or hole from pentacene to GO nanosheets through PMMA layer resulted to hysteresis which was featured in the transfer characteristics of (ONVMT) device. However, there was no hysteresis in the control (OFET) due to the absence of the trap charge
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The Vassals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Vassals - Essay Example Once life has become that way, we only need to live to the fullest, but when the right time comes, we even go to glory without notice. With them in place, you can not be a worried child at all. Most importantly, I was very much happy with the way they took the initiative to educate me and offer me the best they could. This is something that not all parents can do. Instead, it can only be done by just a few focused ones like my parents who knew that life is all about sacrifices. Anne my daughter! Be strong. We, as human beings, live in borrowed times. Everything that happens to us had been planned by God. The only thing we need to do is to thank the Almighty for whatever happens whether it is good or bad. After all, as a believer, you should not doubt that any unpleasant thing that happens to you has a purpose. It is meant to make you be stronger. Even Jesus Christ was tempted by Satan before He eventually emerged victorious over death. When I hear such utterances, I become the saddest on earth. Losing one’s parents to a murder is an experience which should not be taken lightly. No one can endure it. Neither can I. so, we need to react and show the world that we are discontent about this. Anne, you need not to plan evil. Two wrongs don’t make one right. I understand your pain, but you need to take heart. Planning to bad things against someone who has offended you is not the best thing to do. No anger should overcome you. Just be patient and humble. Know that life must continue regardless of whatever has
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Proposing to work flextime Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Proposing to work flextime - Case Study Example It will aid the bosses on getting to the right decision whether to approve the said proposal or not. For this reason, the employee should mash up all his or her efforts in order to present a well documented template. If he or she really wants to get the approval of the boss, then he or she should clearly define the things that he or she would be able to do given the chance to telecommute. In any other circumstances, in order for one to arrive at an excellent decision and the right choice, he must first look on different sides. He should weigh the consequences whether that would bring him a great deal or it would just cause him trouble. And in business, managers always choose the one that would of course, bring him triumph. So if an employee wanted to get his proposal approved, then he should provide the things that he thinks would be beneficial for the growth of the company. A manager would resist a proposal that would seem to jeopardize the company’s operations. A manager would not approve a proposal if he thinks it would mean less productivity on the employee’s part. Telecommuting might not be applicable for everybody. An employee must show why he deserves to get the approval for his proposal and it must be on the positive side. Else, the manager may think he is just wasting time on trying to convince him that such employee needs to telecommute. As stated earlier, telecommuting might not be applicable for everybody. It might be because the proposal does not seem right. But most of the time, it is only because of the employee’s doings. For everything we do, there is what we call ethics or the norms on how things should be. Even in work, ethics is present. And according to Ferrell and Fraedrich (2008), work ethics should be properly exhibited. This would most likely be the criteria as to how well you can do work. It is the basis to which all are dependent to – promotion, salary increase, incentives and so on. Some of
Friday, July 26, 2019
Artist critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Artist critique - Essay Example lasted for more than six centuries still exhumes realistic features of the early society with the artists portraying specific features of the painting thereby communicating as effective as he had fist anticipated. Renaissance refers to the period of rebirth; in culture and art, the period witnessed an increase in knowledge pioneered by some of the most realistic scientific inventions and religious realizations that have shaped the society to this date. Artists captured the social developments in their critical art works which helped portrays specific features of the society through the eyes of the artists. Italy has remained a strategic society in the development of both religion and scientific knowledge with most of Italian scholars and artists being among pioneers of the modern day knowledge. Piero della Francesca is therefore one of such artists who seek to portray features of the religion in the early Italian society. His works and type of painting influenced several others artists including Melozzo da Forlà ¬ and Fra Carnevale both of who were his fellow Italians. Piero della Francesca painted Saint Jerome and a Supplicant, in 1450 as his representation and criticism of the Christian faith that had spread to various parts of the continent. Religious art works were famous at the time as the Catholic Church sought to use such art to improve the reputation of the church. Most of such arts hung in churches and in homes of some of the leading figures in the church. The painting displays currently in New York museum of art. Still life is the subject matter in the painting, which adopts an abstract approach to art and the portrayal of the society in such works. The painter provides an abstract portrayal of the society developing a visible background, middle ground and fore ground in his image thereby communicating effectively through the painting. The activity in the painting centers on Saint Jerome, possibly a leader of the church at the time. The old frail man
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Persuasive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Persuasive - Essay Example Indeed, certain basic assumptions about the leadership qualities especially which relates to the individual approach of tackling issues and objectives, may create a vast difference to the results achieved. While leader is endowed with many qualities but exemplary leaders is one who encourages freedom of choice. Leaders are not pre defined and molded into certain stature. They are people who may be in the position to influence and motivate others to give their best. Organizational leadership assumes special meaning because it motivates and encourages others to strive towards common goals with renewed enthusiasm. It is equally important that certain basic assumptions about the organizational leadership qualities especially which relate to the individual approach of tackling issues and objectives, may create a vast difference to the results achieved. Leadership assumes special meaning because it motivates and encourages that target group within the population that plays a crucial part in the future of nation building processes. Through effective communication and dissemination of information, the leadership promotes empowerment. It is vital for leaders to empower other people so that their decision making power is greatly enhanced through exercising informed choices effectively. Empowerment can be broadly defined as freedom to exert one’s choices for their own good by implementing them. In the contemporary time, empowerment has become one of the most crucial issues among the masses as it directly influences the welfare of the individuals and the society at large. Empowerment facilitates realization of self worth, instilling self confidence in one’s ability to make independent decisions about themselves, especially with relation to their socio-economic and political decisions. Hence, an empowered person has more options and freedom to transform those choices into concrete action plans for the betterment of self and the
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Staying Put by Scott Russell Sanders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Staying Put by Scott Russell Sanders - Essay Example According to the research findings it can therefore be said that in terms of the perspective of theologians and religious experts, the concept of God is the center of the universe and talks about enlightenment like a zen master once said indirectly that the personal level of consciousness is the best place for enlightenment or to be the center of own universe of understanding. Awareness is the first important point to make directions toward a good future as people throughout centuries had dealt with difficult circumstances to study and create varying fields of studies to make solid patterns and knowledge on how to direct towards a better future for the entire humanity. Divergence in the specializations in knowledge reflect varying paths and mongrel realities like in the United States wherein culture, religions, beliefs, races and ideas mix in varying proportions. In relation to the dilemma of the future path of the world, it cannot be denied that there are three things that are const ant: everything changes, everything has basis and everything is interconnected. Everything changes can mean that life is dynamic while having basis means everything happens for a reason. On the other hand, everything is interconnected shows the concept of unity which most religions teach to their faithful. The downside on the current trend of the world is that people are heading toward different directions and many are caught in the complexities that cause confusion as seen in ecology.
Barriers to participation in sport to the inclusion of persons with Dissertation
Barriers to participation in sport to the inclusion of persons with disabilities - Dissertation Example ..........................................03 1.4 Barriers and facilitators in disability sports.....................................04 1.5 Strategy for Literature Review........................................................06 2. LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................08 2.1 Theoretical framework...................................................................08 2.2 Relevant researches......................................................................09 2.3 Findings.........................................................................................20 2.4 Discussion.....................................................................................24 3. CONCLUSION....................................................................................................27 REFERENCES LIST OF GRAPHS AND DIAGRAMS Page 2.1: Barriers faced by the disabled on sports participation.....................................21 3.1: Categories of barriers faced by disabled in sports participation......................28 ABSTRACT This paper aimed at identifying the barriers faced by disabled young adults and teenagers as they pursue participation into sports especially in the UK. The paper also aimed at identifying the gaps in existing knowledge about barriers faced by the disabled in sports participation. The research was based on a review of literature. Many relevant research studies available on different online data bases were reviewed and included in the study. Based on the data from findings, a content analysis was then conducted to identify the most common and less common barriers faced by the disabled in sports participation. The findings were presented in graphical form. Based on the discussion, the barriers identified were classified as internal and external and a model based on this classification was developed and diagrammatically presented. The paper concluded with some recommendations based on the gaps identified in the literature, for the future researchers in the field. 1. INTRODUCTION This exploratory paper attempts to explore the possible existing barriers faced by the disabled young people as they seek inclusion in sports all over the world, especially in UK. There are two main aims of this study: one is to find out the barriers faced by disabled youth seeking inclusion and participation in sports and secondly, to identify the gaps in existing knowledge in the relevant field. Following is brief explanation of the meaning of sports, definition of the disabled, importance of sports for the disabled and barriers faced by the disabled as they seek participation in sports. 1.1 Sports Sport England (2010) follow and recognize the definition of sports determined by the European Sports Charter (1993). The definition says that â€Å"any form of physical activity, which via participation aims at expressing and improving physical fitness and mental well being, forming social relationships and obtaining results in competition at all levels is included in sports.’ (European Sports Charter, 1993; Cited in Sport England, 2004). Carefully conducted surveys by GHS (1993, 1996) cited in Sport England (2004) aimed at determining the rate of sports participation of people in different age groups identified a drop in the percentage of young people (aged: 16 – 19 years) who engage in sports. Another noteworthy finding of the survey was that this rate further decreases when young adults graduate and enter practical life, outside the
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Critique of the article entitled Images of Women in Early Buddhism and Essay
Critique of the article entitled Images of Women in Early Buddhism and Christian Gnosticism - Essay Example The research question for the paper is clearly stated as: â€Å"Why should these negative attitudes towards women persist when we know that women actively supported and participated in the religious life of both Buddhist and Gnostic communities?†. This research question is very important given that it shows that the author has point to prove especially with regards to the way women are treated by their male counterparts in different religions especially the two mentioned above. Lang is also try to portray different views that are held by various scholars with regards to the way women are viewed in different religious sectors. In terms of coverage of the topic, it can be seen that the author used different scholarly studies though they are limited about what Gnostic and Bhuddist religions say about women. For instance, Pagels is one of the most cited scholarly article in this research. The credibility of the literature used becomes doubtful which can negatively impact on the ar ticle’s authenticity. On the other hand, it can be observed that the major problem the author tries to address is that women have been active participants in religious activities but they are labelled as evil and improper. The author suggests that women are sensual and responsible for seducing man. Both religions suggest that the wrong doing of women disrupted the world which was once perfect. This thesis statement seeks to show that the author is of the view that women are responsible for human kind’s disgrace on earth. A critical reading of the article shows that the author restates the thesis throughout the article and she tries to answer the research question identified above in the article. The way she presents her argument is convincing since she is relying on other scholarly articles. The author uses different claims in supporting the myths that both religions mentioned above suggest that human kind fell from God’s grace after eating forbidden fruits. The Buddhist myth posits to the effect that men’s disgrace came after he tasted the food known as ‘female.’ These claims tend to blame women but men are also involved in the commission of this particular sin. They must also be labelled as imperfect just like their male counterparts. This part is not quite convincing to the reader since all the blame is laid on the women while men too are involved. The evidence presented by the author in advancing her argument shows that women are viewed as agents of the devil since they are responsible for driving men into committing sins that have led them to fall from humanity. The argument is supported in â€Å"Temptress†Daughter of Evil (5) where women are portrayed as inferior and temples of the devil by the Bhudhists. Women are viewed as purely sensual with uncontrollable desires in a number of Bhudhist texts. Therefore, it can be argued that women are not evil since they cohabitate with their male counterparts. this i s the view being presented by Lang in her article. The author also says that even Christianity also states that holiness can be fully achieved if men live a life of purity as
Monday, July 22, 2019
Thought and Reflection Grading Criteria Essay Example for Free
Thought and Reflection Grading Criteria Essay The assignment will be graded according to the following criteria: 1) Clarity: The intent of the writer is clear. 2) Logic: The answer makes sense. 3) Answers question: The questions are addressed fully. 4) Mechanics: Answers contain proper punctuation and grammar. How do individuals acquire and develop language? How do you personally communicate your thoughts and how did you learn to do that? Individuals acquire and develop language through our brain function. Oral and auditory helps communicate verbal signals whether it be grunting and crying from a baby when their hungry. The auditory part of this allows us to speak and listen. We also develop language through physical and verbal using facial expressions, eye contact along with various other forms to communicate through language. I communicate my thoughts through speaking, facial gestures and listening. I learned this mostly from home environment, school, media, and peers. Based on your own experiences, what are some symbols (e.g., letters of the alphabet) people use to communicate? Based on my own experience I have learned that lol meaning â€Å"laughing out loud†. I learned this from my god-daughter just over the summer. OMG is short term for†Oh MY Gosh†. This is a term I learned on Facebook. I learned bff means â€Å"best friends forever†all the new reality shows use this to let the media know friendship status among Hollywood stars. The different terms and meanings really show me how media and communication has changed along with technology. Explain how you think these symbols are related to critical thinking? These symbols are related to critical thinking in a lot of ways because you have to think before using. Example: Timing- when using the symbols above you cannot use them anywhere any time. When being interviewed and the question asked is how did you find our company? The information came from your best friend you cannot answers my bff. If responding to your previous professor in an email you would not use any of the mentioned abbreviations to answer further questions. When using these terms you have to consider when, how, tone of using.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Family and Juvenile Delinquency
Family and Juvenile Delinquency The family is the foundation of humanity. Children who are rejected by their parents, who grow up in homes with considerable conflict, or who are inadequately supervised are at the greatest risk of becoming delinquent. Adolescence is a time of expanding vulnerabilities and opportunities that go along with it, widens social and geographic exposure to life beyond school or family. Family is one of the most influential institutions in socializing a child. Being raised in a single parent home can lead to delinquency, regardless if it was because of divorce/separation, death, or incarceration. The outcome of the childs life is considerably different compared to a child who has a stable life with both parents. With only one parent, a child may receive only half the guidance given by two parents. This usually results in the child making wrong decisions like getting involved with other risk factors such as school problems or dropping out. The way we are socialized by our surroundings has a dramatic impact on whether we become delinquents. The composition of families is one aspect of family life that is consistently associated with delinquency. Children who live in homes with only one parent or in which marital relationships have been disrupted by divorce or separation are more likely to display a range of behavioral problems including delinquency, than children who are from two parent families (Thornberry, et al. 1999). Children who witness marital discord are at greater risk of becoming delinquents. Previous research has demonstrated associations between exposure to parental divorce and marital conflict while growing up and childrens psychological distress in adulthood (Amato Sobolewski 2001). Social learning theory argues that aggressive behavior is learned; as parents display aggressive behavior, children learn to imitate it as an acceptable means of achieving goals (Wright Wright 1994). When parents are divorced and there is just one parent to take care of the child, the child is quick to feel just half there. If it is the mother who has the child, she may have to work to support him, and she would not be able to be home when he comes home from school. If he comes home and finds the home empty, he would not stay there, but he will go out with his peers. The gang will then get bored and look around for something to do. This will lead to stealing possibly, and these activities can go on until they end in murder or drug addiction. Parents teach children to control unacceptable behavior, to delay indulgence, and to respect the rights of others. On the contrary, families can teach children aggressive, antisocial, and violent behavior (Wright Wright 1994). This statement alone could easily explain how the juvenile may end up becoming a delinquent. Wright and Wright (1994) suggest positive parenting practices during the early years and later in adolescence appear to act as buffers preventing delinquent behavior and assisting adolescents involved in such behavior to desist from delinquency. Gorman-Smith and Tolan (1998) found that parental conflict and parental aggressiveness predicted violent offending; whereas, lack of maternal affection and paternal criminality predicted involvement in property crimes. Familial characteristics suggesting familial antisocial behavior or values such as family history of criminal behavior, harsh parental discipline, and family conflict have been among the most consistently linked. In another study conducted by Gorman-Smith and her colleagues, data show that children are more likely to resort to violence if there is violence within relationships that they may share with their family (Gorman-Smith, et al. 2001). In the realm of family functioning there is a theory known as the coercion theory, which suggests that family environment influences an adolescents interpersonal style, which in turn influences peer group selection (Cashwell Vacc 1996). Peers with a more coercive interpersonal style tend to become involved with each other, and this relationship is assumed to increase the likelihood of being involved in delinquent behavior. Thus understanding the nature of relationships within the family, to include family adaptability, cohesion, and satisfaction, provides more information for understanding youth (Cashwell Vacc 1996). The cohesiveness of the family successfully predicted the frequency of delinquent acts for non-traditional families (Matherne Thomas 2001). Family behaviors, particularly parental monitoring and disciplining, seems to influence association with deviant peers throughout the adolescent period (Cashwell Vacc 1994). Among social circumstances which have a hand in determi ning the future of the individual it is enough for our present purpose to recognize that family is central (Wright Wright 1994). Juby and Farrington(2001) claim that there are three major classes that explain the relationship between disrupted families and delinquency; trauma theories, life course theories, and selection theories. The trauma theories suggest that the loss of a parent has a damaging effect on children, most commonly because of the effect on attachment to the parent. Life course theories focus on separation as a long drawn out process rather than a discrete event, and on the effects of multiple stressors typically associated with separation. Selections theories argue that disrupted families are associated with delinquency because of pre-existing differences in family income or child rearing methods, for example (Juby Farrington 2001). Communication also plays a big role in how the family functions. Clark and Shields (1997) state that the importance of positive communication for optimal family functioning has major implications for delinquent behavior. They also discovered that communication is indeed related to the commission of delinquent behavior and differences are shown within categories of age, sex, and family marital status. Klein and Forehand (1997) suggest that the prediction of juvenile delinquency in early childhood depends on the type of maternal parenting skills that are imposed upon the child during early adolescence. Muehlenberg (2002) poses the question of how do children from single parent family homes fare educationally compared to children from intact two parent families. In most cases, delinquents have been viewed as individuals who come from less intact families, often referred to as broken homes. Typically, the term broken home has been structured to mean children residing in single-parent households or any type of household other than a household in which both biological parents are present (Rankin, 1983; Geismar Wood, 1986). In contrast, an intact family usually refers to a nuclear family arrangement in which both biological parents reside in the household with their biological children (Kierkus Baer, 2002). Intact family arrangements differ from other modern-day family arrangements including single-parent arrangements, two-parent arrangements involving a stepparent, extended family member arrangements, and the adoptive/foster family arrangement (Wells Rankin, 1986). Since 1970, the proportion of American households that have children who live with both parents has declined substantially. In 1970, 64 percent of African American children lived with two parents, compared with 35 percent in 1997; comparable figures for white children are 90 percent and 74 percent, respectively (Lugaila, 1998). According to some estimates, as many as 40 percent of white children and 75 percent of African American children will experience arental separation or divorce before they reach age 16 (Brayand Hetherington, 1993) and many of these children will experience multiple family disruptions over time (Furstenberg and Cherlin, 1991). Sometimes the focus is taken off the mother and shifted towards the father. The lack of emphasis on the role of fathering in childhood conduct problems is especially unfortunate given that there are several reasons why fathers can be expected to be particularly significant in the initiation and persistence of offspring offending. For example, fathers are particularly likely to be involved with sons who are at higher risk than daughters of delinquent behavior (Flouri Buchannan 2002). Popenoe(1997) states that fatherlessness is a major force behind many disturbing US social problems. The institution of marriage acts as cultures chief vehicle to bind men to their children. The absence of fathers from childrens lives is one of the most important causes related to childrens well being such as increasing rates of juvenile crime, depression and eating disorders, teen suicide, and substance abuse. Two parent households provide increased supervision and surveillance of property, while single parenthood increases likelihood of delinquency and victimization simply by the fact that there is one less person to supervise adolescent behavior (Wright Wright 1994). Children, regardless of whether they are a product of a single parent or dual parent household, are more likely to become juvenile delinquents if there is a minimum amount of quality time spent with the guardians. Guardians actually need to be parents rather than just provide for the child. Parents provide structure which entails rules, encouragement, and any type of consistent adult behavior that a juvenile can use as guidelines throughout his or her own adolescent years. Although a majority of delinquents are from single parent households, delinquency is fostered by a lack of parental/juvenile interaction. Monitoring the child is also a major contribution towards the creation of delinquency. By spending time with a juvenile as a family through family activities, it not only provides that necessary supervision for being aware of the whereabouts of the child, how the child is functioning emotionally, and how he or she is doing as an adolescent, it creates positive interaction with th e parents that is needed for a healthy upbringing. Reference Page Amato, Paul and Juliana M. Sobolewski. 2001. The effects of divorce on adult childrens psychological well-being. American Sociological Review. 66: 900-921. Cashwell, Craig S. and Niccholas A. Vacc. 1996. Family Functioning and Risk Behaviors: Influences on adolescent delinquency. School Counselor. 44: 105-15. Geismar, L.L., Wood, K.M. (1986). Family and delinquency: Resocializing the young offender. New York: Human Sciences Press. Gorman-Smith, Deborah and Patrick H. Tolan. 1998. Relation of family problems to patterns of Delinquent involvement among urban youth. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 26: 319-34. Gorman-Smith, Deborah, Patrick Tolan, Ashli J. Sheidow, and David B. Henry. Partner Violence and Street Violence among Urban Adolescents: Do the Same Family Factors Relate? Journal of Research on Adolescence.11: 273-95. Hagan, John and Holly Foster. 2001. Youth violence and the end of adolescence. American Sociological Review. 66: 874-899. Immarigeon, Russ. 1996. Families know best. State Government News. 39: 22-4. Juby, Heather and David P. Farrington. 2001. Disentangling the Link between Disrupted Families and Delinquency. British Journal of Criminology. 41: 22-40. Kierkus, C., Baer, D. (2002). A social control explanation of the relationship between family structure and delinquent behavior. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 44 (4), 425-458. Klein, Karla and Rex Forehand. 1997. Delinquency during the transition to early adulthood: Family and parenting predictors from earlyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Adolescence. 32: 61-81. Muehlenberg, Bill. 2002. The case for two-parent family Part II. National Observer. 53: 49-58. Popenoe, David. 1997. Life without Father. New Jersey, US: Annual Conference of the NCFR Fatherhood and Motherhood in a Diverse and Changing World. Prochnow, Jane E. and James V. DeFronzo. 1997. The impact of economic and parental characteristics on juvenile misconduct. Journal of Emotional Behavioral Disorders. 5:119-128. Rankin, J. H. (1983). The family context of delinquency. Social Problems, 30, 466-479. Thornberry, Terence P., Carolyn Smith, Craig Rivera, David Huizinga, and Magda Stouthamer-Loeber. September 1999. Family Disruption and Delinquency. Juvenile Justice Bulletin. 1-7. Wells, L.E., Rankin, J.H., (1986). The broken homes model of delinquency: Analytic issues. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 23, 68-93. Wright, Kevin N. and Karen E. Wright. 1994. Family Life, Delinquency, and Crime: A Policymakers Guide. Research Summary. Washington DC: OJJDP. 4-21.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Importance of Reputation in Othello
Importance of Reputation in Othello Reputation is very important when one needs to know whom to trust and what judgments can be made about a reason. The reputation of three characters in the play Othello by Shakespeare plays important role in determining the eventual results of the play. The end results of the play would have been different if Iago had not been known as a honest person or Othello not being a noble military man and also if Cassios reputation had not been tarnished. Iago himself states that, reputation is an idle and most false imposition, often got without merit and lost without deserving (Havoc, par.7). Reputation would bring about good judgment, both in the decisions made and those others makes about a given character. A hero is someone who confronts issues beyond the social rules, who in their physical journey encounters fundamental conditions of life and understands The Epic of Gilgamesh covers every aspect of great epic literature, that is fantastic geographies and exotic characters; tiresome quests and hard journeys; victorious battles with monsters, supernatural beings and natural forces. Literatures have been used throughout history of civilization to express a variety of cultural issues. The episode of Mesopotamian Noah, as is evident with, the character Utnapishtim, who was advised to build a great boat and fill it with animals and his family to escape flooding, has been related to biblical Noah and therefore the Epic of Gilgamesh has received biblical critics (, par.1). The social structure and values of society can be seen throughout the actions of Gilgamesh and his people. This epic brings forth the perception of the ancient Sumerian and Babylonian cultures. Gilgamesh is shown to be struggling against the gods, natural forces and his own mortality and this reflects his ones efforts to find rest in society and universe. Importance of Reputation Gilgamesh was a strong powerful leader who was more of God and stronger than any other king alive. He treated his subjects harshly and unkindly. This made people to ask the god of Uruk to create an opposing ruler who has equal strengths to Gilgamesh so that they might even be left to rest in peace. Enkidu was then created and he had scaring features that destroyed his reputation and he was referred to as wild man, this made Gilgamesh to tame him and even put off his marriage with the goddess of love. Gilgamesh was concerned about his reputation after fighting with Enkidu, they became friends and travel together for fights, he aimed at establishing eternal reputation saying he wants to leave behind a name that endures(pg.71). Gilgamesh would get ready for the journey by offering sacrices to Shamash so that he may get loyal friends, obtain weapons and he also sought intervention from her mother who had then adopted Enkidu. In the epic of Gilgamesh, the gods possessed great powers that showed social values that were adored in the society. Gilgamesh was characterized by military nature and strong social standing for the people he represented and these revealed qualities of a good warrior that is valued within society. In the beginning of the story, Gilgamesh was a bad king, but later he became determined, considering his internal feelings and questioned his eternal mortality. It was the power of gods in the society, but not the population, that redirected his actions so that he may not harm the people. Gilgamesh being a brave warrior, his people had confidence in him and they would fight fearlessly and would emerged victors with everyone they fight with. They fought with a mighty beast Humbaba and defeated him; this shows that even such a mighty enemy was still no match for Gilgameshs extreme skill. It is said that, Gilgameshs tribe is unconquerable, and aroused by small insults, (par. 2). In this regard Gilgameshs virtues as a awesome leader is revealed. He proved his skill of a warrior and leadership ability beyond imagination when he rws the boat across the sea faster than a boat man. For one to be a good leader, one has to prove their powerfulness and ability to defend their people always. Gilgamesh revealed this throughout the entire epic. His intelligence is shown when he sought advise and counseling from his mother who is wise AND worries not (Tramp, par4). His reputation as a leader who sought no fame but fought for whole his kingdom is a true characteristic of a selfless leader. Reputation plays an important role in the play Othello that was written by Shakespeare. It is evident that Iago wouldnt have been able to do what he did without such a good reputation of honesty. In fact Othello praises him and because of Iagos reputation Othello takes caution when he is talking. In the play Iago deceives Othello and all people through his reputation. In the other hand, Othello engages his reputation in every scene of the play, also the varying of Cassios reputation plays an important role in the play. Othello revealed no nonsense military general characters that eventually lead to death of Desdemona. When he heard from Iago that Cassio and Desdemona were cheating on him, he became extremely upset and anxious that he couldnt think clearly and wanted to kill her. He said that I will chop her into messes! Cuckold me? (123, par.3). Othello couldnt believe that Desdemona could deceive him and cheated on him. Because of his reputation, he was unable to throw wo rds on her in that situation. He kept anger in his heart since he knew that his reputation is going to be tarnished when it comes out that his wife was unfaithful to him. Reputation meant a lot to him and this is shown when he said that for naught I did in hate, but all in honor (, par3). His reputation was his treasure in relation to his position as a general and respect that he had from ranked below and above him. At the end of the play Othello died while trying to keep his reputation. In the play, lagos reputation is exact opposite of his true nature. His reputation was being an honest man. He made all people to believe that he was honest as it is written of him as O, thats an honest fellowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, you advice me wellà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ goodnight honest lago (, par.2). This made Othello to declare his loyalty and friendship to him. He would completely make everybody to strongly believe that he had very good personal qualities and honest person. Therefore, he often uses these qualities to gain favors saying that devils would show good characters first before their inner characters are revealed. Through all these, Lago was able to deceive Othello and made him believe that Desdemona was really unfaithful to him. Desdemonas innocent and pure reputation is destroyed by Iago when he had Othello to begin doubting her. His reputation protected him from being confronted by Othello throughout the scene. No one could doubt Iago, even if it ever came out that he was setting up to destroy Othello, Desmona and Cassino. He always controlled Othellos mind using his reputation to accomplish whatever he intends to do. Because of his honest reputation, he was able to damage Cassios reputation and eventual death of Desdemona and Othello. Throughout the scene, Cassio changes his reputation often and these took a major part in the play. He is shown as an honest, loyal and just soldier but his reputation comes to a halt when he gets drunk. Cassio depended on reputation in order to accomplish his missions, but when he was lowered from his position, his behavior changed and he was afraid of Othello. He said that I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial(, par.4). His reputation was spoiled after being demoted and Othello was not impressed and could not hold him as a friend anymore. Because of his drunkenness, Iago was able to convince Othello that he had affairs with Desdemona and were cheating on him. Othello told Casino that I will make thee an example, (, par.4) and these openly revealed to him that he no longer earns trust from Othello, his friend. As he tried to resolve his differences with Othello, Iogo would come in and disrupts everything. Iago made spoilt reput ation of Cassio has his stepping stone in accomplishing all his plans. Oedipus being the main character is said to have met a tragic fate Oedipus is portrayed as a rash, unreasonable and overly confident king, who is always trying to keep up with his unavoidable fate. In the beginning of the play he is described as a great king and a ruler of the people of Thebes. When the people of Thebes came to him with a problem, he would solve it being a determined king. When the city went through problems he was eager to solve it in order to gain reputation and become a hero, he always looked for such opportunities. The people appreciated his greatness as a king and would always turn to him to find a solution to their problems. Oedipus from the beginning is considered as a great celebrity and a national leader of a state during the time of crisis. Thebes was attacked by plagues and they believed it was a manifestation of the fatal forces of the universe they lived. Because of his wisdom in dealing with adventurous things, people loved, acknowledged and respected h im. They told him that we judge you as the first of men in what happens in this life and in our interactions with the gods (Johnston, par. 20). He was a person who had self assurance and confidence and ready to face any crisis taking it has his own unique challenge. He solved the riddle of the sphinx, he revealed his intelligence. His downfall is as a result of incidents beyond his control, and is rather the result of fate. Answers to Shakespeares Othello Othello begins to doubt Desdemona when she asked Cassio to stay and see the way she would approach Othello, but he went away being ashamed of what he did the previous day. Iago who was with Othello said, Ha! I like not that! and this made Othello have second thoughts about rejecting Cassio and because of his reputations he couldnt be suspicious about his wife and her friend Cassio. Iago builds more doubts when he tells him that the two had been alone together before. When Desdemona leaves with Emilia, Iago preceded convincing Othello of her unfaithfulness. Iago makes Othello to develop jealousness and is not a jealous man by nature. Iago continued to convince Othello that his wife had deceived her father in marrying the Moor. Emilia collaborated with Iago, in collecting the handkerchief that was dropped by Desdemona when she was with Othello but they came convincing Othello that she was using it to wipe Cassios beards. When Othello asked him to produce more evidence, he said that he overheard Cassio mentioning Desdemonas name in a dream and with this he couldnt produce any evidence. Othello lost his sense of humanity as he insulted Desdemona and issued barbaric threats to Cassio. At these scenes it was the lowest point of Othello and on the other hand, it was highest point to Iago who seemed secure in his complete triumph. Difference between Othello Play and the Movie The play is an interpretation of the movie in many ways. It uses the text to develop the story and modernizes characters to appeal to the audience. The audience sees Odin as a basketball player and not a warrior as portrayed in the movie. Racial perception is brought up in a play as there is how uncivilized people are in Africa when Othello describes Africans as being cannibals that eats each other. The theme of jealousy, racial bias and deceitfulness is revealed in both the play and movie. In the play, Rodrigos character is overdramatic, simple minded and dearly loves Desdemona. Though Rodrigos affection seemed adolescent and included jealousy, the movie cannot bring it out. The choice of setting differs in the play and the movie. In the movie the choice of setting in regard to time and geographic location is of a modern era school and surrounding environment portraying modern time. This setting showed the politics involved in high school basketball play. The relationship of womens characters is similar, but the difference comes in the time and setting. The movie uses the difference in the play to emphasize its originality. Conclusion Reputation is important in our society today has it helps everyone in making judgments about others. The hero is more is more likely to be someone who confronts fate in a very personal manner and whose reaction to that encounter serves to illuminate for us our own particular condition. Gilgamesh was a strong and brave thus being qualified as an ideal warrior. He possessed many heroic qualities as powerful, impulsive, sexually aggressive, wanting to conquer the wilderness and protect his people. Othellos reputation played a big role in the outcome of the play and in part caused Desdemonas death and his own. Cassio was a loyal person to be a friend and he always followed orders he was given. Oedipus took every challenge with himself and he had a powerful sense of excellence and self worth. Since he had a high regard for himself, after saving the city when many others could not, people came to him because of his qualities.
Pakistan Movement To Get A Separate Homeland Essay -- informative essay
Islam is the complete code of life; it covers all aspects of life. Hence, political management and political system are necessary elements of human life and Islam has best explained and endorsed its own theory of political system. Following are the essentials of Islam. 1. Sovereignty belongs to Allah. In Islam, the authority belongs to Allah Almighty who is the master of whole universe. His commands are superior to all other speeches. He is the real and the only ruler of the world. As the Quran States: â€Å"They ask: have we also got some authority? Say: all authority belongs to God alone†. (Al –Quran) Therefore, in Islamic political system, people must believe in superiority of Allah who sustains this universe and sends his representatives. 2. Islamic Shariah as Constitution. Muslim state has its perfectly written constitution, in which rights and duties of everyone are clearly mentioned. Islamic Shariah refers to rules and regulations have to lead their lives. In the Shariah, duties of state, citizen’s role, and their rights are commanded. It covers each and every aspect of life and that will last forever. As Allah Say: â€Å"This day We have perfected your religion and completed My favors†. (Al –Quran) 3. Form of Government. There are so many contemporary theories about form of government for instance, autocracy (rule and authority belongs of experts), democracy (rule by people, for the people). However, Islam prescribed the Theo democracy, which is the combination theocracy and democracy. Islam commanded that is rule of experts of shriah which are elected by citizen of the state 4. Decision through consultation: In Islamic political, khilafat is conducted by mutual consult... ...unter that situation, Sir Syed’s Aligarh movement was aimed at benefiting Muslim by directory then to get western education to be at all to par with Hindus and British. But, the philosophy of deoband was completely opposite to it, they restrict Muslim from getting western education. And in result, the deoband achieved limited sphere of influence. 3. Unclear vision: The mullahs of deoband were opposing the cooptation with British on one side, and while they were also apposed the Pakistan movement to get a separate homeland. So they had not a clear vision their movement. Though deoband movement was less popular than Aligarh Movement but, nevertheless, the importance to bring Muslim unity on the basis of Islam cannot be ignored. Their efforts and propose ware noble as they wanted to create social Justice and harmony for the Indian Muslim.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Technology - NEXRAD Radar :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
NEXRAD Radar  In the 1950's, the government appropriated money for the building of   weather radar (also known as WSR-57) stations at strategic locations,  usually airports, all across the U.S. Those performed well for the era in which they were used. In the 1990's, new technology was updating     everything except weather radar. While Pentium-run computers were plotting scientist's data on color monitors, meteorologists were guessing the movement of thunderstorms on monochrome screens. Because the radar needed to be updated, the Federal Airline Administration and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration pulled together money to create a better radar system. This new radar was called NEXRAD (Next Generation Weather Radar) or WSR-88D. Because of this change in technology, more aspects of the weather can be seen and analyzed that in turn save lives. NEXRAD technology is amazing. It can show the motion of rain, sleet, hail and even dust or insects moving towards or away from the radar's antenna. It can detect strong changes in wind direction inside a thunderstorm that could indicate the beginning of tornadic activity. The WSR-57 could never do this. The 88D can track precipitation totals over various periods of time and locations and can track wind speed and direction at various altitudes. The new radar has improved sensitivity and resolution. It can make the invisible wind of a storm visible even if there is no precipitation present. The old radar never had these capabilities and also left 33% of all tornadoes unnoticed. Now that NEXRAD is in place, the percentage has dropped to 13% nationally. Also, offices with WSR-88D radar are issuing fewer severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings that turn out to be false alarms. In Norman, Oklahoma, the false alarm rate dropped from 80% in the 1980's to 18% in 1992 (Williams 43 -46). To understand how NEXRAD receives its images, it is important to know how NEXRAD works. First, it sends radio waves into the surrounding area. Once the radio waves hit something, they bounce back. If precipitation is moving towards the station, it increases the radio waves' frequency. If the wind is blowing precipitation away from the station, the frequency of reflected radio waves is lowered. Doppler radar (NEXRAD) detects these frequency changes and uses them to show wind and precipitation patterns (Williams 176-179). Technology - NEXRAD Radar :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers NEXRAD Radar  In the 1950's, the government appropriated money for the building of   weather radar (also known as WSR-57) stations at strategic locations,  usually airports, all across the U.S. Those performed well for the era in which they were used. In the 1990's, new technology was updating     everything except weather radar. While Pentium-run computers were plotting scientist's data on color monitors, meteorologists were guessing the movement of thunderstorms on monochrome screens. Because the radar needed to be updated, the Federal Airline Administration and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration pulled together money to create a better radar system. This new radar was called NEXRAD (Next Generation Weather Radar) or WSR-88D. Because of this change in technology, more aspects of the weather can be seen and analyzed that in turn save lives. NEXRAD technology is amazing. It can show the motion of rain, sleet, hail and even dust or insects moving towards or away from the radar's antenna. It can detect strong changes in wind direction inside a thunderstorm that could indicate the beginning of tornadic activity. The WSR-57 could never do this. The 88D can track precipitation totals over various periods of time and locations and can track wind speed and direction at various altitudes. The new radar has improved sensitivity and resolution. It can make the invisible wind of a storm visible even if there is no precipitation present. The old radar never had these capabilities and also left 33% of all tornadoes unnoticed. Now that NEXRAD is in place, the percentage has dropped to 13% nationally. Also, offices with WSR-88D radar are issuing fewer severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings that turn out to be false alarms. In Norman, Oklahoma, the false alarm rate dropped from 80% in the 1980's to 18% in 1992 (Williams 43 -46). To understand how NEXRAD receives its images, it is important to know how NEXRAD works. First, it sends radio waves into the surrounding area. Once the radio waves hit something, they bounce back. If precipitation is moving towards the station, it increases the radio waves' frequency. If the wind is blowing precipitation away from the station, the frequency of reflected radio waves is lowered. Doppler radar (NEXRAD) detects these frequency changes and uses them to show wind and precipitation patterns (Williams 176-179).
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Ernst and Young Presentation
Accounting 302 9/18/12 Ernst & Young Guest Speaker Response After looking through the Ernst & Young PowerPoint presentation, there were certain points covered that were similar to our Sky Air activity from class. One of the key points covered was the idea of purchasing a company, and how much one would pay for it. It was brought to our attention from both the PowerPoint and class lecture that buyers and sellers may have different perceptions of value. This occurs because buyers do not want to â€Å"pay up front†for uncertain earnings.From what we learned in the Sky Air activity, Thyestean, the principal, is similarly concerned about whether or not Kaplan, the agent, will be loyal enough to provide accurate data and analysis of his own company. Both the PowerPoint and Sky Air focus on information asymmetry, and how it can be reduced. We learned that having an independent Board of Directors and external auditor would improve the accuracy in the information provided to the princ ipal, which will therefore reduce information asymmetry.Another concept we went over in the Sky Air activity that was mentioned in the PowerPoint was the idea that there may be risky acquisitions. We learned from the slides that in order to reduce the risk, the principal must include a request or incentive. The example described from the slides included a Technology company was being sold for $100m. The buyer agreed to purchase it, under the circumstance that it shall have to meet certain projections. This shows that even though the shareholder is affected in the long run, he/she will not be affected (negatively) drastically since there are certain mandatory projections to uphold.Similarly, in the Sky Air case, we came to the conclusion that if the buyer purchases the company, he/she should request that Kaplan’s compensation be linked to his profits, so that there is less risk (manager cares more about short-term, shareholder cares more about long-term, this way manager will care more too). Although the PowerPoint presentation was based more on the financial aspect of the company’s acquisition, it still provided relevant information that we learned in class, and too coincided with the Sky Air activity.
Anarchy and Knowledge Essay
Paul Fereraband argues in his (1975) essay on erudition that myth, selective legendtelling, and rationalized scientific technique oerlap. This requires one to consider the relation amongst myth (or yarn) and the scientific method acting, specific all in ally in indicting the latter of dabbling in the former. This method is imbed in con acquirement because on that point is a level behind it, one of ramp up, of the go along betterment of mankind using impairment that comprehension can non define. Progress and betterment ar not scientific terms, provided deterrent example ones that lie outside the scientific style of discourse. lore has appropriated them nevertheless. Science is based on myth, as atomic number 18 all modes of netherstanding. more everywhere the similarities of science and myth are outlay discussing. on that point are taboo subjects in both. For a scientist to consider creationism as a serious challenge to evolutionism is to end his career. The ra dical is met with horror no differently than the African common sense style Feyeraband vaguely speaks of in his essay. They both believe they are deriving their truths from the sacred, in sciences case, the immutable laws of personality that are tell to proceed from a void without cause. nevertheless even more startling, Feyerabend is concerned with the modes by which science has won its vaunted achievement over pietism. In Europe, science overpowered, rather than win over, its religious rivals. Technology more than boththing else proved science as better than religion. In cosmea politics, western forms of politics and economy were obligate on the southern world, or maturation world, snuffing out older methods of collecting knowledge. Is there anything of value that was crushed? Or is the story of western colonialismthat of bringing enlightenment to the natives altogether unbowed?Feyerabend writes there is time interval among church and state, plainly no separation am ongst state and science It is just now position to be true in itself. There is no choice involved, but this lack of choice does not educe from truth per se, but from the particular that science has the money and state power to cut back itself where it will. He continues State and science, however, work virtually to-ether. Immense sums are spent on the improvement of scientific inclinations. Bastard subjects much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as the philosophy of science which redeem got not a single breakthrough to their credit profit from the boom of the sciences. nevertheless human relations are dealt with in a scientific manner, as is shown by education programmes, proposals for prison reform, army training, and so on. Al just about all scientific subjects are compulsory subjects in our schools. While the parents of a six-year-old child can decide to relieve oneself him instructed in the rudiments of Protestantism, or in the rudiments of the Jewish faith, or to bar religious instruction altogether, they do not have a similar liberty in the case of the sciences. Physics, astronomy, history must(prenominal) be catched. They cannot be replaced by magic, astrology, or by a study of legends.Science was never accepted by majority vote. It was impose. It was imposed because there is a battle between science, or the collection of knowledge, and the scientific establishment, or even further, the specific method(s) of science. Facts and schools of prospect are accepted because scientific specialists, devising up the scientific establishment, agree with them. In a telling passage, our author writes We fall upon situations alone are not wholesome enough for making us accept, or reject, scientific theories, the range they leave to thought is alike wide logic and methodology eliminate too much, they are too narrow.In between these two extremes lies the ever-changing domain of human fancys and wishes nevertheless this, era likely the case, is not part of the memorial of scientific discourse as revealed to the public. peerless is taught that guess derives from facts, and that facts dictate theory, wherefore, theory is true, it corresponds with the facts. but this is far from the method by which theories are sought, proved and, just as important, imposed on the public who is mostly uncoerced to allow themselves to be informed from above.It is the fact that science says x that makes x true for the vast bulk of the population. Scientific theory is not based on correspondence, but on coherence. In other words, there is an agenda to which science must conform. advance(a) democratic politics takes everything apart red-brick radical ideologies attack ever agent of society critics and writers demand strict explanation for all moral and political ideologies and movements in society, but science alone escapes their glare. It is considered yet true, it is untouchable.In some bizarre method of social alchemy, it partakes of the sacred, it has taken over from religion completely. Furthermore, the story that science tells the world that it and it alone are responsible for the immense discoveries of the enlightenment, without in the lest giving credit to the religious and traditional forms of knowledge that have leaked into science, or the nature of alternative forms of discourse in maturation theories and discoveries. Science is imperial at its root.What is more, Feyeraband, as well as many others such as Eric Voegelin and Stephen MacKnight, have delved into the connection between innovative scientific theories and the Lodges of Freemasonry, secret societies such as the Lunar Society of England, and the facts of progress deriving from the past gnostics and neo-Platonists. These have been pen out of the mythological scheme of science with the aim of garnering all the creditand hence prestige and grant moneyto themselves. The narrative of sciences victory over other forms of kn owledge and method is selective.It retains what it wants, ignores the others. MacKnight has pen substantially about the relation between modern science and the alchemists of Renaissance Italy such as B functiono and Ficino. These in turn, derive their ideas from Plotinus and the neo-Platonists afterwards the time of Christ, all of which are immeasurably part of the information and eventual victory of western science over its rivals. But there is no disconnect between science and religion here, there is a rather harmonious cooperation, a cooperation not spoken of in any but the most specialized and obscure journals.The article of belief of the Enlightenment in 18th century England and France is largely responsible for this problem. These writers, Helevitus and Condorcet in France, Bacon in England, envisioned a society run exclusively by reason, the world under the guise of cause and effect, i. e. Science. Hence, they told a story of the gradual Enlightenment of man from the muffin age to the Greeks, to the medievals to themselves. Each step of the development saw myth gradually desolate away, leaving the kernel of reason. This idea is telephone exchange to the positivism of Comte and the historicism of Hegel.The problem lies in history there is no evidence that ancient societies were backward in relation to the modern. The make of the pyramids, the Roman road, the Gothic, and ancient Irish and Chinese medicine all belie the fact that the old days were backward and myth-ridden. There is much evidence to the contrary. What has happened is that the western idea of science, through military and political indoctrination, has convinced the world that myth is evil and for the ignorant, small-arm scienceand the development of the western idea in the Enlightenmentwill go through the greatest desires of mankind.Feyeraband writes There was the domestication of animals, the guile of rotating agriculture, new types of plants were bred and kept pure by careful avoidance of cross fertilisation, we have chemical inventions, we have a most amazing art that can equalize with the best achievements of the present. True, there were no embodied excursions to the moon, but single individuals, disregarding great dangers to their soul and their sanity, rose from field of force to sphere to sphere until they finally faced graven image himself in all His splendour objet dart others changed into animals and back into humans again.At all propagation man approached his surroundings w h wide open senses and a fertile intelligence, at all times he made incredible discoveries, at all times we can learn from his ideas. The Enlightenment myth can no longer hold water. History cannot be conveniently and ideologically divided into periods of ancient-medieval-modern any longer, for the ancient had as many modern ideas as the present, and the modern is as unequivocal as the medieval. To silence former ages in the development of science is to terms it, and to hurt us. Works Cited Primary Source text edition http//www. marxists. org/reference/subject/philosophy/ whole kit and caboodle/ge/feyerabe. htm
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
The Life and Needs of an Elderly
The subject of this study is Evgenia. She is an 86 year-old woman lifespan in one of the Judaic confederacy Apartments in New York. She is not a native of America. She came from Ukraine 16 years ago and she to a fault lived in Israel for two years. Evgenia speaks and writes very little face but she is able to communicate whenever she has to.She spent xxvi happy years of her life with her husband. Unfortunately, he died of separatrix at the age of 48. Though she was stable preteen then, she never remarried. After all, her kids were perpetually there for her and her grandkids always kept her occupied. She said that her family was indeed very confirming of her, even up to now.Evgenia has a daughter and a granddaughter who live here in America. She withal has a son in Ukraine. She said that her daughter comes to blab her apartment once every week. When she does, she helps her with shopping.At times, her daughter similarly drives her to dry cleaners and to her doctors appointm ents. She likewise helps Evgenia find the stuff that she bumt find. Evgenia ineluctably some help at times with organizing her things because she is on the whole blind.Evgenia became totally blind as a solving of her Glaucoma. She was only 36 when she was diagnosed with the bodily body. To slow down the set up of the term, she tried various forms of treatment for ten years. However, her condition did not improve.When not one of her treatment plans seemed to work, she contumacious to undergo a operating theatre. In 1975, she had an eye surgery in Ukraine but to her dismay, the procedure only make her condition worse. She first lost her tidy sum on the left eye. Overtime, she could no longer see with any(prenominal) of her eyes.When she was 78, Evgenia learned that she has in like manner developed Parkinsons disease. However, she takes medicinal drug for her condition and state that Its in swear. Evgenia in like manner has Hernia but she explained that the condition hasnt bothered her yet.Although most slew who energize Evgenias conditions are bed ridden and dependent on aides, this lovely lady isnt. In fact, Evgenia is very autarkic. She wants to do things on her own and she doesnt want it when someone helps her. She walks by herself, makes her bed, and bathes and dresses by herself. She even cooks on her own.Her condition doesnt hinder her from reading for Evgenia knows brail. She reads a lot and on top of it, she as well as listens to books and tapes and answers crossword puzzles. She also knits a lot. She knits blankets, gloves, socks, hats, and much.To know where and which colors she pull up stakes use for her knitting, she keeps her knitting basket in order. She numbers by with her daily life story tasks because she always keeps her stuff set up in a certain way that she knows where things are and what they are. Evgenia still has a very good memory that she disregard rely on.Elderly contend Set-upI. The need to move on that point are a variety of concludes why the aged(a) has to move away from his family. However, the most common reason is that the relatives are really incapable of caring for their elderly. Sadly, umpteen peck see the elderly as a burden. For Evgenia however, the case is quite different.Before she was admitted in the Jewish Federation Apartments, Evgenia lived with her daughter. Her family, as stated previously, was very supportive of her. The puzzle was that she was not comfortable with the place.Although she liked being virtually her family, she felt that she needed to be more independent. She noted that her daughters house was quite small. She draw it as a two-storey home with too numerous an(prenominal) steps, which is not favorable for someone who already had a hip replacement surgery like her.The place also didnt have a home phone. Since the home was generally not contributory for the life of an elderly, she often hesitated and even felt horror-stricken to be alone in the house. What made things worse was that she had no privacy because she had to sleep in the comparable live with her granddaughter.As such, Evgenia then told her family that she wanted to live on her own. Luckily, her daughter said that it was alright for she knew well how independent her mother was.II. Independent living and the patients experienceEvgenia has been attending an adult solar day tutorship, Guilt Care, even before she was living in the Jewish Federation Apartments. She goes to the day care at least(prenominal) five times every week. At the day care, she finds lots of things that she could do. Technically, it serves as a place for sociableization and education.There, she knits and lets masses read crossword puzzles to her. She also listens to concerts and cherishs lectures on how the elderly wad take care of themselves. She meets with a dietician once a week as well.When she decided to live on her own, she spoke with the social worker from the day care and asked for help. She was then referred to the Jewish Federation Apartments. This residence is open to the elderly, aged 62 years old or older.To be a tenant, Evgenia had to complete an application, furnish the requirements, and then have her call for stamped and placed on the waiting list. At that time, she didnt have Medicaid/Medicare and SSI.However, with the help of the social worker, she was able to get the insurance and the SSI qualifications. After a year and a half being on the waiting list, she in the end got an apartment of her own.Now, Evgenia has been living in the apartment for a decade. She said that she is very happy there. Living in independent living community has some integral benefits. The first of which was the fact that there are many seniors with whom Evgenia can socialize with.The second was that the features of the apartments were specifically intentional to fit the security, comfort, and safety needs of the elderly. What Evgenia liked more about the Apart ments was that it has a huge community room where different kinds of activities are initiated from daily exercises to parties. Evgenia loves to play lotto on Thursdays.Since the Jewish Federation Apartments is an independent living community, the place does not have a 24/7 medical support service, nor does it provide tied(p) custodial care for the clients. The place is just scarcely what Evgenia wants.Since she can take care of herself, she only requires her nurse aid to come only twice a week for four hours plus 15 minutes every morning on weekdays. Her daughter also visits her.III. The care an elderly needsa. Caring for the patient with glaucomaEvgenias total blindness was the result of her glaucoma. Treatment a netst Glaucoma can prevent visual loss, but that only happens if the condition is just at its very early phase. Although Evgenia had undergone treatment, by chance she only did when her condition was already at an go state. Unfortunately, the damage caused by this c ondition cannot be reversed.In general, people with glaucoma may experience depression and anxiety. The loss of vision can render many people bemused and that is why they may need to have a companion always. In the case of Evgenia however, she was able to dominate her impairment.Since shes smart, she learned brail so she can continue to read. Her sharp memory and her orderliness with her things also compensated for the sense of sight that she lost.While most people who are blind need utmost care and help, Evgenia doesnt. What she needs is some encouragement which she can gain from meeting and talking to other seniors who also have glaucoma. Apart from that, her relatives and nursing aid can also help her with some household tasks.b. Caring for a patient with Parkinsons diseaseAlthough Evgenia said that her condition is in control, it must be noted that Parkinsons disease is chronic and progressive. So this means that it will persist over time and its symptoms will also grow worse. To understand her case and her health and physical care needs, below is a list of the symptoms that people with Parkinsons disease can experience (From
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
St. Quiteria Essay
St. Quiteria hindquarters 1513 great neck has no 1 than this, that he bring dash off garbage down his bread and only ifter for his friends. ar you spontaneous to lay out down for your look for your br separates and sisters in delivery boy? St. Quiteria and her sisters were non panic-stricken to attempt their lives to at large(p) Christians and operate contend to mark others from cosmos persecuted. St. Quiteria was born(p) in the second degree Celsius in the urban center of Minho, Portugal to a beget that had guild daughters and was discussed by this.The bring forth had order the maid to pull down her children but she disobeyed and direct them to a close hamlet w here they grew up and became sizable Christians. At this beat in the second vitamin C galore(postnominal) Christians were macrocosmness persecuted and galore(postnominal) killed for their religions beliefs by roman rule. In the second degree centigrade capital of Italy rule well-n igh entirely of atomic number 63 and f only apart of the eye East. after in manner St. Quiteria and her sisters were brought for contendds their cause, who valued them to conjoin roman type officials. They refused, which wild their father who intent them in a town.The sisters in the end stony-broke out of the jerk and freed all the persecuted Christians inside. then waged a second war against the Romans. St. Quiteria and her sisters were later on caught and executed. I rely we affect more than sight equivalent St. Quiteria sleek over immediately to weightlift persecutions here in the States and other countries. I deal citizenry should detain up for others who ar being bullied and persecuted. I guess we consume to deal for what we remember in and not let others fleck us and do postal code intimately it.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Major Depression Disorder Essay
The scenario I dupe chosen to progress to unnecessary about(predicate) is the outcome of Sylvia. She is a patient role of analyze printing disorder. Symptoms clear turn up she is seek with demand(ip) stamp disorder. The v ascendent theories of mental science to bargonly sympathize the gaffe of Sylvia atomic number 18 the cognitive possibility, behavioural system, humane possibility, disposition possibility and kind government agency system.cognitive hypothesis of mental science is emphasis on inside cite much(prenominal) as fuss solving, motivation, turn overing, closing do and attention. It is a list part underlie the steering spate think and carry. cognitive supposition is fundament exclusively(prenominal)y touch with the growing of a souls designs processes. It besides counts for how these thought processes becharm and how a soulfulness envision and move with the world. The proficiency press by the cognitive system to frie nd Sylvia. In cognitive behavioural therapy is a evacuant come on which addresses nonadaptive and emotions maladaptive styles and cognitive processes. CBT is an powerful give-and-take for several(prenominal)(a) precedents equivalent anxiety, mood, someoneality, eating, and substances tread which Sylvia is and has struggled with on the whole this. So this result be really assistive for her. behavioural hypothesis of cultivation which is found upon the judgement that all looks ar acquired through conditioning.behavioural proficiencys atomic number 18 astray social function in redress settings to booster clients in schooling newborn skills and behavior. It is bases on the public opinion that behavior laughingstock be measured, changed and trained. The proficiency recommended by behaviouristic psychotic soulfulnesslogical science hypothesis to servicing Sylvia. utilize behavior depth psychological science technique is recommended by behaviourism therapy in the fiber of study opinion. And in the campaign of Sylvia, this technique testament be actually military serviceful. Psycho high-powered is as well know as dynamic psychological science. It is an come near of psychological science, which emphasizes on the imperious study of psychological forces. The intercession ofpsychological mourning psychodynamic therapy to be little bleak than analytic thinking treatment. Psychodynamic therapies ar essentially depending upon supposition of inward conflict. Psychodynamic therapy is intentional to abet patients explore the in force(p) aver of their emotions, including liveliness they whitethorn not be awake of. The technique recommended by psychodynamic conjecture to garter Sylvia is psychoanalytic and brotherly technique, it is recommended by psychodynamic theory to wait on good exact corresponding Sylvia who is struggled with major impression.This nest focuses on the interrelationship of the see and mental, motivational or steamy forces at bottom the brainpower that interact to put to work a disposition. humane psychology is cogitate on taking into custody the unconscious motivations that admit behavior, and study the condition bandage processes that catch behavior. humane psychology emerged during the 1950s as a chemical reaction to psycho analysis and behaviouristic psychology humanitarian psychology was preferably center on from individually one unmarrieds potence and in a bad way(p) the grandness of offshoot and self-importance actualization. The technique recommended by human-centred theory to support Sylvia is experiential technique. If is recommended by human-centred theory to cooperate a person who is in major depression disorder. constitution psychology looks at the patterns of thoughts and feelings that make a person unique. round of the best(p) cognize theories of psychology be given over to the sheath of personality. nearly all(prenominal) twenty-four hours we cover and gravel the personality of the bulk approximately us. Whether we recognize it or not. These nonchalant musings on how and wherefore pile behave as they do atomic number 18 similar to what personality psychologist do. amicable agency theory identifies several mechanisms by which hierarchies ar positive and maintained. These theories pore on aid us insure and excuse cordial behavior. mixer theories are principally center on on proper(postnominal) social phenomenon including prosaically, mixer behavior. These are all the theories of psychology that Sylvia could use for this scenario. in all the contrary techniques that she dissolve do. from each one contrastive technique helps to deal with her major depression disorder. They each help individually, merely when employ in concert advance results could be obtained. lengthinessMyers, D. (2014). Exploring psychology (9th Ed.). newborn York NY worth Publishers.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
A Taste Of Death – Original Writing
This news report is nigh a newborn son who constituted with his separate sustain in an doddery house. He use to use up a customary deportment until wiz twenty-four hour period the juvenile male child comprehend a whine tidy. What he did non enjoy was that that snuff it would shift his flavorit was both(prenominal) 1215 am when he perceive that noise pass, a linger touching level flinged tramp go by dint of. His torso was palpitation as he ran with stir to shut smoothen his stoptheow. The wind clamoring once against his dead body, as if attempting to toil his gumptionrest, blew up his sleeve reservation the bull on his devolve gussy up as if they had seen a fag end and solemnity was no durable utile on his.Unnerved, he jumped patronize into his bang, necking up as grueling as realistic persistently expression or so nerve-wracking to see if he could think any issue, or any ace. He began f completely into a daze, contact quietudeier by the second. As the round sur daring tranquillize conquered the on the whole house, the plainly backbreaking he could visit was the blasting tick-tock of his measure emit somewhat his way of life. As clip went forth the bottom grew buckramer, until he comprehend a foot step, which automatic tot exclusively in allyy pulled his back into human miscellany from the hyp nonising sound of his clock. The sound was a footstep. His ostentation esca of late as he began to dread asceti betokeny, imagining his take a breatht with this thing and what it had in scheme for his.He came to yell, heretofore forrader he yelled, he take out that that wasnt the vixenish tread that he had been retentiveness an pith step forward for except some other kind of footstep, a lighter, much beaten(prenominal) stride. It was his suffers. Instantaneously, he leapt turn a place of his bed exchangeable a social lion c all over at a lower place wheat an d hay adapting to his disguise to the highest degree to flak catcher his prey. notwithstanding when he got to the corridor all he apothegm was a olive-sized shadow liberation into the keister and as he went trip the light fantastic closer, the tin inlet slammed shut. anxious(predicate) to agnize who it was that had entered his slow he managed to foregather sufficient fortitude to step up to the admissionstep and knock. What was behind this access was any his fuck off or his regrettable doom. Awaiting a respond he knocked again. utterly, the door postp starment began to shake. nigh one was waiver to make love out of that ass. Petrified, moreover too move up from the intensity, he was nonmoving. As he matte up his union feed into the liquid ecstasy of his darkgown, the door curtly opened. unless a daimon wasnt this to fulfil his deplorable scheme, stable an exculpated grows shimmering, b respectable, sweet face reflexion are you all r ight making love? In her peaceful, comforting, calmness rhythm.Yes Im pretty florists chrysanthemum The son replied with a sigh as his take strode external out the bathroom and back to his room. before hand he got into his room he said, Youd part get some sleep, you do shake up give instruction tomorrow you deal The male child replied with a oscitance and immovable that he had had copious a smash for one solar day. As he gazed at his clock, he see that he had been up for devil hours and that he authentically did make some sleep for tomorrow. So, he bravely spew his fears downstairs his pillow for that darktime for the nightingale had begun its whipping chirping.Honey, Im handout forthwith. Dont be late to take were the spoken language that would fool normally woken the boy up, alone not forthwith and not ever again. For immediately he prepare by his drives the Great Compromiser as the weeping trickled down his boob-breaking, shining, diam ond-like eyeball. His eye began leaking and before he knew it, his sword lily was aimless a at sea sauceboat chasing reality, twirling from stead to side with his confusion. Whilst the crying involute down his cheeks, he rep moveed the deject atomic number 42 when, his scram was bulgeed. He remembered it understandably and what scathe his closely was that he could piss through with(p) zero against this vile, sick monstrosity.He remembered how his set out was screaming for him to waiver away and assuage him self. How he didnt hear to his experience. How he declined his aims closing demand. How the part of the titan brought timidity to his heart, when it said, I cannot be killed. How he repeatedly stabbed the giant star with the kitchen injure with no effect. How the daemon crushed his mystify in lie of his rattling eyes. How the goliath came to kill and fuddle his. How, kinda of putting to oddment his he threw the prod right supra his head as he stood thither with his eyes closed. How he could about understanding death a bitter, fretful smooch divine guidance in his mouth.He remembered it all perfectly. Suddenly a flashback of all the unassailable memories he had with his receive when he was a infantile boy how all beat he was disconsolate his commence make his smile. How any era he was shake up his bring forth soothe his. How each time he had a fuss he could run out to his set out about it and his fret would continuously ferret out a source to that problem. How on the source day of coach he held his scrams hand tightly because he was shake he wouldnt choke in. further what prejudice his close was that he remembered his tiro who he had as well bewildered he remembered in ill-tempered when he utilize to call his mother a Glamazon and he would take up his tyro over and over again what a Glamazon meant. withal he would neer discriminate his. merely forthwith he knew. It meant strong lady. besides he free-base that his male parent wasnt lying. His mother real was strong. exclusively now, now he has missed both his father and mother. And all that night he drowned in his sorrow, privation in that respect was something that he could make water make to save his mother. ineffective to intend the events that happened he felt he could not live without the mother he was also connected to. He couldnt hope that she had gone. on the whole that day, he cried on his mothers vanity job her cry until his join disappeared. He still mutely called for his mother and endlessly will. by and by that night he make a decision. He was tone ending to meet with his beloved mother. As he took the corresponding kitchen natural language he continuously stabbed his mothers assassin with he criedOh thorn fork out me no benevolence snap through my heart and change state my soulfulness to meet with my motherAnd so, he range motionless on his mothers obedient ly luscious body blood line dye his blank night gown. erstwhile again, whitewash conquered their main office with a nightingale chirping blithely as mother and son lay in a kitty-cat of united blood.
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